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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Smidey's also a good man to talk to about Africans.
  2. Carlos & Siran


    I've heard garlic soaked blood worms can work.
  3. Love it, looks like a mountain stream.
  4. That's what I was wondering, They look pretty but are they realistic?
  5. lol what???, that has to be the weirdest reply I've seen yet....
  6. whooops, fixed....though I wonder, what do Hobbits put in their pipes?
  7. The Mitsi Grandis is direct competition to the Honda Odyssey, infact one review we read road tested both. I think the Odyssey came out on top but only just.
  8. I'm a bit of a nerd and like my sword and sorcery type novels, and I love the Lord of the rings movies. If there's anyone out there like me who enjoys that genre there's a couple of fan made Tolkien movies out there that are really well made and a good yarn. The hunt for Gollum (here---> http://www.thehuntforgollum.com/updates.htm ) is the first, it shows a wee bit that was left out of the first Peter Jackson movie were Aragorn and Gandolf hunt for gollum before Frodo leaves the shire. And Born of hope (here---> http://www.bornofhope.com/Watch.html ) a fantastic film I watched this morning, is about Aragorn's parents and tells how Aragorn ended up living with the Elves as a child. Enjoy.
  9. Took our car into get a WOF yesterday, and received another massively long list of things to fix before we can issue you with a WOF sorry. Blah. It's a 96 Toyota estina, we've only had it a couple years but the last 2 or 3 WOFs have been the same. So I had a wee chat with our mechanic, I don't know him very well but he has a good reputation as is known to be very honest, and he said that it was starting to get that distinctive worn out look, he suggested it may be time to flick it before it gets much worse. So while we had some time we thought we'd have a wonder around and a look see at what was at the car yards. I've always been quite keen on a big 4X4 like a ford territory as there's 5 of us and another on the way. We discussed it on our way into town and decided we'd prolly go that way, and buy a small cheap run around as well and only use the 4X4 for family occasions, our budget was about 16 grand(way more money than I've ever considered spending on a vehicle) weeellll, we certainly got bought back to reality, there was nothing under 20k and the cheaper ones had high ks and were quite old, a good one was gonna cost us at least 30k. By this time I was starting to think about running costs, tyres blah blah, so I realized a 4X4 was going to have wait for a few years yet. It was about then that Siran spotted a Mitsi Grandis, was 2003, under 100ks, 6 seater, and was at our budget of $16000. Was about as far away from a big butch 4X4 as you could get and my immediate reaction was ewwww, but after a test ride and a read up it started growing on me. It's really a nice wee car, has all the mod cons for a really affordable price. The Missus wanted to get it but I said No, we're not quite ready yet, and any way I wear the pants in this relationship and what I say goes, and that's the final decision on the matter. So we pick up the new car on friday..........
  10. burn citronella oil in a tea light candle burner, or peppermint oil.
  11. Yeah, couldn't get any TV reception for two years, I loved it, learn't to appreciate good music and books.
  12. LA put us onto this, hope it helps http://myfreeforum.org/index.php?gclid=
  13. Natural spring on the property, has an abundance of crayfish, would that make a difference?
  14. looks like you attacked him with a vivid.
  15. Nope, no plants. We checked the nitrates out of the tap and they're 0. Think the mini spike happened because we never gravel cleaned under the rocks, was real grubby. Not entirely sure why Nitrates are still elevated but as people have said those levels aren't dangerous, we'll just keep and eye on them. The bonus of gravel cleaning seems to be that for the first time ever we have a water melon, and our tomatoes are fantastic. :bounce:
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