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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Siran bought this about a month ago, the lady didn't know what it was, our first thought was that it was a vallisneria of some description, we had a look on the the plant ID page on here but it didn't seem to match anything there...Ideas? Anyway, this last week the tips of some of the leaves have gone yellow, then brown, a couple of the thinner leaves have gone brown entirely, does this plant need special ferts or treatment? we are putting in DIY Co2 tomorrow. Cheers
  2. LOL, the ghost prolly went in and thought 'Bloody smart arse, that's it I'm outta here!!'
  3. I'd love to know how they wrestle a beast like that to the surface
  4. I don't have a problem with hunting pests, Rabbits, possums, etc etc as long as it's quick, Swallowing live goldfish?? well, it's not my thing and it's definitely senseless, but I tend to agree with P44 on this one. But I'll tell you one job that I've only ever seen 1 person enjoy and want to do and that's killing sick calves at calving time. I hate it, especially as you usually don't get a gun, but have to whack them on the head with a pipe or something. My first farming job, prolly second season we got Roto virus really bad, we prolly lost about 50% of them, but we couldn't just let them die slowly we had to whack them, it was horrible, I had to kill 3 or 4 calves a day for weeks. Most farmers don't enjoy that part of the job, thank god for the roto virus vaccine.
  5. If this doesn't touch you then there's something wrong..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UzJVYS6f9U
  6. Thanks Jen, awesome response. Yah, we think the algae came from our other tank, it was on the baby tears within a day or so, we thought that the spore was there in the old tank but with all the extra nutrients it just took off. We have no surface agitation in there at the moment other than the power head, as we have no fish in there, so you would suggest we sort that out first then?
  7. Hi breakaway thanks for replying. No, this is it here when it first grew it was a brownish colour, Siran dosed with Algae fix on Sunday, and it went white within a few hours, so we're hopeful it's dying
  8. looking good mate, how do you manage to plant all the individual hair grass like that?, I find it so finicky and half the time the plant just keeps floating to the surface :-?
  9. lol, cows are always trying to get in on the action :bounce:
  10. Nar, I'm always wandering around with no pants on, it was so hot the other morning I milked in just my boxers
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