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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. A little bit of salt won't hurt, as long as it doesn't have any pollutants on it it'll be fine, just wash her off and chuck her in
  2. You need to do water changes every week just like in a fish tank, add some oxy weed as well, and perhaps something to break the waters surface, like a sprinkler just going a little perhaps.
  3. Lazy Sunday, I'm in the chat room if anyone's keen, I can't guarantee quality conversation but my bad typing is usually good for a laugh.
  4. We have both those and they were both sold to us as chain sword grass, I planted some in the front of our new 850 yesterday and I noticed the differences.
  5. Now that's a stylish piece of kit.
  6. Uncle Knit knots (only those who's kids watch play house Disney will know who that is)
  7. so if the puffer is tropical will it be OK in that tank?
  8. That was my guess too, think the black band behind it's head gives it away
  9. I always wanted to work for DOC as a ranger when I was a kid, We used to visit Mt Bruce a lot and it just seemed so cool. Never quite got there though..... There's always Dairy Farming........not really conservation related, and the environmental bit irks me a bit.
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