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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Didn't you get that 3 inches in Feburary? We only got 8mms, Boss made me undersow about a 10th of the farm on Thursday, he wanted them sprayed out this Tuesday but now with rain and warm humid morning I'd say they'd have all germinated by now..... Yeah, knowing this place it'll start raining and not stop....
  2. I took Connagh for walk yesterday to get him away from the bolocks box for 5 mins. We found a nice wee spot not far from the house near the bush, and I asked him if he wanted to look for bugs and stuff, and being a boy he was more than happy with that Idea. We found crickets, and spiders and all the typical stuff, but after lifting a particularly large log I spotted a what I thought was a bush worm trashing about like they do, but then I noticed legs and I realized it was a skink. But it wasn't a copper, it was thin like a fairly robust worm, and a pale maroon colour, unfortunately it got away. I searched under another log nearby and found several coppers instead. I've looked on Google by I can't find any pics of our other skinks so I'm not sure what it may have been. I'm no expert but I'm sure it wasn't just a variation of a copper, it was much thinner and quite long, and I can't be sure but I think it's colour was paler around it's head. Does anyone have any ideas?
  3. A friend of mine had a worked granada in a standard mk4 cortina, a wolf in sheeps clothing, nothing by todays standards but 15 yrs ago nothing could touch us.....except for Mr Wankle....and a coon with a 429.....
  4. Hi guys, I have a friend from an international website who needs some help. She has two Zebra Finches (a male and female)who up until now have been getting along fine for the last 2 years, they're in a 3 foot by 3 foot by 18" cage. For no apparent reason at all the male is starting to beat up the female, pulling her tail feathers out and making a sizable wound on her neck, is there any reason why, perhaps territorial?, or mating? Thanx for your help
  5. Funniest thing i ever saw was Jeremy Clarkson getting his backside whipped by a girl in a van on the Nurburgring. Has the Veyron ever been on Nurburgring?
  6. I didn't realize it(brumation) was something you can control, is it temp related once again? I just checked the water temp now (it's almost 2.30, and reasonably warm) and it's sitting just above 18'. Oh and that's another question.....the t5s in the hood get much to hot, if could find some really low wattage tubes will they still get just as hot? if not will that warm the tank enough to stop them from brumating without cooking them and the plants?
  7. The problem with Nurburgring for the Viper is all those pesky corners.
  8. we still have 3 tadpoles left to transform, and it looks like they have a fair ways to go, will they just hibernate as soon as they do? I was having a read up about Bells last night and it seems water temp seems to have a lot to do with their growth, if we heated their water some how will that help speed up the transformation process so they have time to prepare for brumation?
  9. http://animal.discovery.com/fish/river- ... h-catfish/
  10. yeah, he caught a huge man eating catfish a few weeks ago, he's good value
  11. Is it important to give them variety? or will they be happy and healthy on just house flies alone?
  12. yeah, looks waaay nicer mate, we've had that fruit salady gravel before and never been happy with it either and have switched to darker substrate. The black background and substrate will now bring out the colours of your fish.....
  13. Yeah dude, you'll need a separate tank with completely different conditions, you may have to even resort to a cooler of some description for summer depending on where you are, as P44 said, room temp during the summer months will prove fatal. I suggest you do research and read up on our native fish before you even consider it, as they're very precious and many are rare, to lose some to a newbie with no clues would be a shame. Good luck.
  14. We're first timers too, though we have northern bells, our first one changed about a week ago, Siran bought a wee pack of blow fly pupae from the LPS. He's looking really good now so we assume he's eating, (we've finally found his hidey hole) his colour's coming in nice, with the gold stripey bit as well. You could go catch pretty much anything small enough to fit in their mouths(grass hoppers, crickets, flies etc) or just cheat like us and buy some live food from your LPS.
  15. yes..........though I think you'll find the fishponds made from Fiberglass have a gel coat.
  16. green sailfins, heres a link to an old article http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/tra ... es_nz.html
  17. Thanks Imsweet, that'll be much appreciated, then I'll have something to work with.
  18. Howdy guy's, our 14 year old lives with his Grandma on a 25Ha block up in Umawera, he's got his hands on a couple Tim's traps and has been catching 3 or four possums most nights for something to do but as he has school in the morning etc etc, they're cold by the time he gets to them and hence can't be plucked. so they just get dumped into the gut. We're up for the weekend and have been discussing how we could make a cheap (preferably electric) plucker so he can pluck them when he gets home to supplement his pocket money. Unfortunately I have never seen one and really don't know what they look like and don't even know what wattage motor would be needed to run one. Does anyone know how to make one or have any plans we could look at? (I can't find anything on the net) Cheers all Carlos
  19. the water line to our house is alkathane which lays on the ground for a couple hundred meters and during the hottest part of summer it heats up well above 'Ambient' more like around 35'c
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