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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. A doorbell or doorknocker?........Ask no questions but get many answers gave it away.........
  2. Carlos & Siran


    Post count doesn't go up in FUN anyway
  3. another Bilbo Vs Gollum Riddle from the Hobbit
  4. Well it could be a squirrel I guess, there's red squirrels in England, so that's your wee man in a red red coat. And the stone in his throat could be a acorn. But what's the staff in his hand?
  5. NOOOOOOOOO, I woke up this morning with the answer in my head!!! Argggg
  6. ohhh, so literally add TWO?
  7. hmmm, perhaps a worded number, add two letters and it's a lower worded number....doesn't seem to work though
  8. Yup 10 points if you can tell me what book it's from.... Your turn Smidey
  9. Nope I like to think no one would be cheap enough to cheat using the net??!!
  10. I'll post a Riddle and the one to solve it posts a new one....you're free to discuss them here to work them out. I'll start with a fairly well known one An Iron horse with a flaxen tail the further the horse runs the shorter his tail becomes what am I?
  11. is it most likely not what he say's it is?, not on the list?
  12. Personally I'd just use an old silage cover or something like that but a good thick layer of straw or hay would work for a while I guess, you may have the odd plant poke through. And then you have the advantage of being able to dig it in for mulch in the new season.
  13. There's bound to be some one, Sam is the hair grass man around here.
  14. G'day mate and welcome. What where you thinking of doing with your 75ltr?
  15. That's just the membrane, if an egg remains unfertilized it won't become a fetus....... in a fertilized egg that white spot will become a blood sack that is the fetus.
  16. Thank you for this information Jennifer, we appreciate your opinion very much. As we are farming people we're pretty upfront about this sort of thing and have decided we will euthanize her, we feel any medications and such will only delay the inevitable, best to let her go now while she's not in to much pain. Thanks all
  17. Thanks very much for your advice sunrise. I too live on a farm, I manage one in fact and my experience is vets are generally right about 90 % of the time.
  18. Hi one eyed frog The vet did all the blood tests they could do, her thyroid was fine, her teeth were fine other than a bit of plaque, her renal function was slightly elevated, but we don't see her drinking and their water bowl is always full. The dog and cat were wormed not that long ago, and I have changed the food from one type to another and it doesn't seem to have made a difference. She can still hear well, as I can call her and she will come, her eyesight seems okay as well. The vet was pretty thorough, and she did say although she could give us drugs (steroids or antibiotics) she felt it would not make a difference and would just end up costing us more. I guess we will just see how it goes in the next few days and decide what to do. Thanks
  19. Sirans cat Luna is about 14yo, she's always been....well, I call her Hitlers cat , she bites the dog, scratches the kids and intimidates the other animals as much as she can, but shes our cat and we're used to her ways. About 3 weeks ago however we noticed a dramatic change in her personality, she became very cuddly and clingy, and she stopped eating as well as she used to, though she's obviously hungry, she's lost a lot of weight now to the extent she's just all skin and bone where she used to be a fat cat. So we took her to the vet about 3 weeks ago who did blood tests and they found nothing wrong except elevated renal function. But the vet said she felt it was most likely stomach cancer, we took her home as the vet said at the moment she felt she wasn't in any pain, but that would change and as cats have a high pain threshold it would be difficult to tell when she is in pain. In the last 3 weeks her odd behavior has gotten worse, she won't eat at all now and we've stopped feeding her as much as it's just a waste, but now she's bringing rats and mice into the house (though she does not eat them, never has) and wandering around at night yowling to be fed. We feel it's time to put her down but we've had so much death in our family lately, we just feel terrible about it. Other than her odd behavior and being so skinny she doesn't seem unhappy or sick, so it's a rather tough decision to make. How do you guys feel?
  20. I can't really help you with the tetra, but have a few questions Did you cycle the tank? Do you feed them daily and if so how much? And I maybe wrong but I feel you have to many fish for such a little tank.
  21. Thanks Ira So basically the water from the sump is pumped into the tank which which then overflows into a special bow, which is in turn piped back into the sump via gravity? Does the outtake into the tank need to be at the bottom to insure the entire contents of the tank is filtered?, otherwise I'd Imagine if it was at the top only the top half would recycle, or not?
  22. Hey guys. So I've been dreaming the last few days, this is a long term project and at the moment we're not set up to do this, This is all still just in the blah blah I wish, dreamer section, but here's what I wanna do. I want to build a kick bottom Community tank, about 1000ltrs, with a sump filtration system and maybe a auto water change unit of some description, and canister Co2. The size I'm thinking is 4mtrs long x 600mm deep x 400 high, the stand will be in 3 sections with the center unit containing the sump. I'm a cabinet maker so the stand is no issue for me, I understand the weight and strength needed etc etc. But I only have a very limited understanding on what a sump filter is and how it works, I know there's google but I really appreciate your guys knowledge and I thought this way I'd get different ideas and your guys personal experiences as well. 1) Should the sump tank be a percentage in size to the main tank?. Or can it be any size? 2) Does it need to be made of glass? or can it be plywood or a plastic drum or container? 3)Do you use a canister filter or do you use a proper water pump to pump water for sump to tank? 4)What sort of maintenance is required with a sump?, do you clean them as often as a canister filter for example? Thanks Carlos
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