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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. egg A man lives all alone. He has his groceries delivered to him and he works at home, so he never really has to leave his house. One dark and stormy night, he was unusually tired. He shut off all the lights and went to bed. When he awoke the next morning, he realized his actions had caused a huge catastrophe. What happened?
  2. The basis of all stories is called a plot, of which only 7 exist. the plot line is the bread and butter or base material of the story, eg, 1 - [wo]man vs. nature 2 - [wo]man vs. man 3 - [wo]man vs. the environment 4 - [wo]man vs. machines/technology 5 - [wo]man vs. the supernatural 6 - [wo]man vs. self 7 - [wo]man vs. god/religion that is what I was referring to when I said it has been done before, perhaps you should turn off your TV and pick up a book before you try telling people how to suck eggs?
  3. Mother in law just came around for mothers day and bought Avatar with her, not really a movie I was very interested in but I was quite surprised. The FX where of course incredible but the story took me by surprise, it's been done a million times for sure (Pocahontas springs to mind) but I was pleased to see a FX heavy movie with an actual story, I found myself really caring about the people and planet.
  4. G'day there and welcome
  5. We catch our crickets, cause I'm not using the cow shed at the moment quite a bit of leaf litter has built up in the pit and there's heaps of nice small ones living in there, you just have to be careful of the nursery web spiders. So that's prolly the best place to look for juveniles, leaf litter somewhere sheltered.
  6. One of my favorite movie scenes is when Andy Dufresne breaks out of Shawshank and stands on the river bank in the rain in The Shawshank Redemption, incredibly powerful. And then when Red finally finds Andy on the beach in Mexico, I always bawl like a baby.
  7. I think ours are brumating, haven't seen them much lately, but we lost a tadpole the other day.
  8. me, Bd and Caryl in tonight, come in and join us
  9. watch out if you do catch one, a guy I once new kept pigeons and a rosella knocked itself out on the window so he put it in a wire mesh cadge, when it woke up it ripped a hole in the mesh and escaped in about a minute. And once Sirans mums cat caught one on the front lawn and it gave him a very graphic lesson on why that wasn't polite and not to do it again, poor cat never went near birds again.
  10. Carlos & Siran

    Hi all

    G'day Cadwell, here's a handy link that I use all the time........... http://www.aqadvisor.com/AqAdvisor.php? ... yInLitres& Just stick in all your specs and it'll tell you if you have it right or not and will make suggestions, it's bloody brilliant.
  11. Did you get lights with it? I would imagine, generally speaking, that you would be restricted to tall plants as it's much harder for the light to get down to the substrate in a tall tank like yours. How about making a biotope? you could do Asian or Amazon. A Asian with some pearl Goramis, harlequins and a GAE would look nice.
  12. lol, no pictures. Siran scored the skin, seasoned with SnP and fried slowly, we had it on mashed spuds with wholegrain mustard and honey/vinegar sauce. Was quite tastey but not something I'd want often, very rich.
  13. Olly it's your turn mate
  14. Crikey you guys are quick, yes it's nothing
  15. A couple young fullas turned up this morning and asked permission to shoot some ducks, I said go for it, personally I perfer my ducks swimming, flying and quacking but the boss lets them on so I wasn't gonna ruin their morning. Anywho they got a few and gave us a couple, I'm no hunter and didn't have a clue what to do with them so I rang my Father who told me how to cut the breasts out(we wanted to roast them but they where skinny as) after hacking away at them we now have 4 very rich looking fillets. We have had a few conflicting answers about how to cook them though, Siran's Mum says lightly fry them like chicken, but Dad say's you need to braise them slowly.....so who's right?....does anyone know a nice way to cook em for lunch?
  16. We love it more than life. We fear it more than death. The wealthy want for it. The poor have it in plenty.
  17. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=45533 here's a very recent topic on the subject. Nice to see you here mate
  18. should we be feeding him?, we just assumed he'd eat flies and crickets like the frogs but if he's aquatic do we need to feed him boatmen and stuff like you say?
  19. This guy lives in our terrarium with our frogs, a fact we're a little nervous of as he's about 3 times their size . I've seen these fullas floating on ponds before and he spends a lot of his time under water(he's underwater in the second shot) Do you think he'd consider the frogs as tucker?, or the other way around when they get bigger?. There was two of them but one turned up dead, my guess as they fought for territory and this one was the victor it's hard to tell his scale but he's about 40mms across.
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