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Posts posted by SamH

  1. They only sell schist at my LFS and I want some like those in Mr. Amano's nature aquariums.


    I meant I have heaps of schist.

    Thanks for the advice. I picked up some rocks down at a beach a while back but now they look ugly.

    Might have to go back some time.

  2. I removed all the fish that were in there, had it cleaned and bought a dwarf puffer.

    How much did you clean it?

    It sounds very suspicious...

    Never heard of anything like this before but if it's happening in matter of hours then a whole tank tear down might be needed.

    Good luck

  3. My boy has built a nest about 10cms long but not very high along the frong glass. No spawning yet but I'm still hopeful.

    Any advice anyone can give me on breeding betta's would be much appreciated

    Just read the info in this and other threads like it.

    The main thing I've learned is to leave them alone. As soon as I stopped looking at them and covered up their tank, he built a mssive nest.

    Good luck

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