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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I'll lay down some bark, then sand, then sawdust. Will that reudce the damp?

    It was mainly chicks or fledglings that were dying, and a few of the older birds. Used to have the feeder on the ground for the Quails but I'll move it up.

    I Lol'd when I saw that pic of Phoenix/the pic that Phoenix submitted. Those Budgies looked so chilled out.

  2. Yeah, but the reason I moved them in was because they were dying out there. I'm going to have a good go at making some real decent nest boxes for these two and adding some ply to the front.

    How do you heat Livingart? (No, I don't want to heat Livingart, I would like to know how you heat(ed) the aviaries :lol: )

  3. Although most people will say that a great planted aquarium starts with the susbtrate, IME this isn't true.

    I started out with a 3 foot tank, AquaOne Double lighthood, regular pea gravel and my plants did great. They weren't so flash at the start but after a while, the fish waste built up and the plants went nuts.

  4. The eggs take about 3-5 days to hatch usually, free swimming within 5 days. Mine hatched and stayed near the egg laying site, just sucking onto gravel and glass.

    BN's were my first egg laying fish too!

    The tank you mentioned should be fine until they're large enough to be sold or put back in your other tank. Remeber that lots of Driftwood and Cucumber (weighed down with plant weights) is the key.

  5. I had harlequin rasboras in with mine when they spawned. Didn't even notice until I saw the little fry. Many were eaten but I took out the Harlequins immediately. Saved 15 BN fry.

    How big is the tank you have? I used a 45x25x25 (28L) tank and it was great.

  6. Okay, if I'm allowed one (I'm very convincing), I'm guessing that my 35cm x 27cm x 40cm tall (24 from bottom to the square part, 40 from bottom to arch) cage isn't going to be big enough for ONE budgie? http://www.petmart.co.nz/cart_product654-1-44.html


    If so, I was thinking of building a 60 x 30 x 30/40cm tall box out of 2x2's with MDF or ply walls on every side except the front which would be wire mesh. One door that opens up the whole front, and another that opens up half or a third of the front.

  7. And what size cage would you recommend?

    I've been getting 18x18x24" (45x45x60) results on Google, but does this apply to a Budgie who will be let of it's cage quite often?

    Anyone built their own cages?

    bud is caryl's budgie

    Ahhh... Right. That explains it.

    Do you breed Bud?

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