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Posts posted by SamH

  1. well sam, are you getting this budgie? what colour one did you want>?

    I'm getting it Seragant General Phoenix sir! Just need to build some boxes, move some birds and it'll be all go. Looking at getting a Blue, Grey and/or White one if I can source one young enough. But I'm not too fussed on the colour as long as it isn't mainly Yellow and Green.

    What colour would you suggest?

  2. Here's a pic of my 27L Nano Planted Betta Tank on the 16th of June 2009:


    And here's it now:





    I removed the CO2 bell as I was seeing no positive results. The grass has spread a bit and I've added some more. I need to get a new lid (if anyone has a spare lid for a 40x25 aquarium or perspex please contact me) and a new light tube. Please advise on what looks good/bad and what I could do to improve it.


  3. The finches are kept in the cgae on the previous page. Usually inside but outside on good days. They used to be in the outdoor Aviary so should be sweet as. Thanks for your concern though darkfur.

    My cat is just a BIG softie, literally. She can't bring anything in except crickets, too fat and furry I reckon.

    What do ya'll build you're nesting boxes out of? Saw some MDF one at Animates but the rain would trash those. Ply's a bit tricky to work with...

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