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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Yeah, he did nothing but flare and show off to her yesterday but I put the lid in and he just hung out under that. Come home at about 9 last night and there were some bubbles, even more this morning.

    He's just made some smaller ones now too and yes he built a few nests in his other tank.

    Here's a pic of the current nest:


  2. So jealous of what you had, my plants aren't doing anything except dying at the moment.

    Just sorting out the details for my 4 x 2ft 18w light fittings then I'll have them shipped, (I'm so lazy :lol: )

    they ALL worked well except for java fern and java moss.

    That's funny because the Java moss I have is doing quite well, but now that I think about it, the Polysperma and Bacopa aren't doing too badly in my 54L.

    Where do you get all your plants from?

  3. I've only got small tanks at the moment...

    81 Litre Community

    54 Litre Betta

    27 Litre Betta

    28 Litre Spawning

    85 Litre Rearing Tank, not started up yet.

    I usually run warm tap water and let it sit out for an hour. My pH is usually above 7 :( but if I don't change water for a while then it tends to drop.

  4. Yes! Red body and he's been harassing my solid orange girl heaps. She'll lodge a formal complaint soon lols.

    I got him at Zoo-Purr-Market, it's near the Warehouse and Pak 'n' Save and next to Mitre10 and Holden in Manukau.

    50c Cavendish Drive, Manukau Central.

    (09) 2621269

    Try call them to see if they have any left, I think I got the last of their females, no wagtail females though.

    Perhaps if my Platies finally breed and some wagtails show up, I'll donate you a few.

    Good luck

  5. Eeek! That's alot of light. I assume your plants are growing up and through the lids? :lol:

    If my math/calculator is correct, then:

    Each tube is 18w

    I will have four tubes

    18 x 4 = 72

    Therefore, I will be putting 72 watts of light over a 30cm tall aquarium.

    That enough? I have 2 x 30w tubes over my 3ft tank of the same height and the plants (excluding the hairgrass) are failing. Perhaps I'll turn that tank into a grass tank... Something like this maybe?

    (http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... l=0&id=129)


  6. My pockets are slightly deeper than the tank but I don't have a real job. Aquarium tube prices are a killer, $50 for a 3 foot powerglo is too much for me.

    I'm not sure on an exact price I'd be willing to pay but around the $50 mark.

    The guy I'm getting my light fixtures off also has tubes, should I get a couple of DayLight tubes too?

    What combos do you guys have over your tanks?

  7. I think that my "not so smart" fish has just got an "oh so smart" idea.

    I believe he has just clicked and realised that there is a female behind that plastic and she is full of eggs. Now he's starting to take this bubble nesting thing seriously! Bubbles are quite large still but at least he's blowing them.

    If they're still there in the morning then I shall take some pictures.


  8. Yes, I just needed a bit of help... that's all. :oops:

    If you like Amano's work then take a look at the AGA website. Some truly amazing tanks in their contest section. http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2009.cgi

    Here's some of my favourites from last years competition:

    http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... ol=0&id=62

    http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... l=0&id=175

    http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... ol=0&id=91

    BTW, your tank looks wicked, don't be so modest. 8)

  9. We have more computers and laptops than we do TV's but yes, there are multiple TV's.

    The detol ads really get to me. As if we need another cleaning product to save us from some "harmful virus" a.k.a, the common cold. The dramatic music when the girl goes to touch the phone, it's not as if it's about to blow up or Snape's about to kill Dumbledore.

  10. Floating seems like the way to do it but you could try use a reptile heating cable or electric blanket/heated towel rail element. The main problem is locating a thermostat to switch the appliances on and off when the desired temp is reached.

    Good luck.

  11. Is the tap water in Auckland (Manukau) safe for fish or do I have to let it sit out?

    This question has been bugging me for ages and it would save me alot of time if I knew if I could put water directly into my tanks.

    Also, is warm/hot water safe for water changes?


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