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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Tried to get some free plants down at the stream, introduced wierd worm/larave things. Evac'd occupants and tore down tank. Put it back together within a couple of hours. Here's what it looked like around midday:






    Any ideas on what I should stock (apart from little BN, Betta and Platy) and what other plants I should get? Running 2x Cool Daylight and 2x Cool White 18w tubes over it. Will add CO2 shortly, anyone know how to dose HaNs's PMDD?


  2. Im thinking my Polysperma, Bacopa and adding some Rotala and Ambulia.

    Hairgrass and Riccia, maybe HC if we have it here or Glosso. Some dwarf Sag too.

    I'm getting some PMDD off HaNs but that hasn't arrived yet, using JBL Fert Balls in the sand and I'll be running DIY CO2 through the filter.

    Sound okay?

  3. Can't find any info on Watts per Litre so I had to use Watts per Gallon.

    My 54L tank works out to be 14.265290842413979067820198942795 Gallons (15 Gallons :lol: )

    I'm going to run my 2x 6500k Cool Daylight and 2x 5000 and something Cool White tubes, both 18w over my 30cm tall aquarium.

    This works out to be 4.8 WPG with only 18w of intensity.

    What can I grow in this?


  4. the guy at the store told me they needed a little bit of salt in the aquarium is tonic salt okay?

    Tonic Salt is used for healing fish, if you want to increase the salinity then Marine Salt is the stuff you need. As jolliolli said, true FW Puffers don't need or want extra salt.

    and are they hardy and easy to keep and can they be feed fish flakes?

    They can't tolerate Ammonia or Nitrite and may be hard to wean off live (or once-live) food if they're not already on flakes. May need snails to keep teeth in check.

    So no, they aren't that hardy and I wouldn't recommend them for a Novice Aquarium Keeper.

  5. I had done several water changes with no effect. It was getting worse and the best I could do was a tear down.

    Fish died yesterday R.I.P.

    The tank she was put in was fine as I had my male in there less than a week ago.

  6. Sorry, I can't help. Its not dropsy so may be bacterial or has she got herself stuck somewhere. If the filter is strong she may have been sucked against it before. Is it possible to get a picture side on of the actual area or is it just on the top of her back.

    You could try isolating her and adding 1gm of rock salt per litre of water and leave her in it for a couple of days.

    Was this for me ADodge?

    If so, the filter isn't that strong but is turned off now anyways, had a different one (HOB) in her other tank. Her side seems to have healed up, it's just her back and cadual fin I'm worrried about. Can I dose rock salt in her current tank? How do I measure rock salt?

    If not, my bad.

  7. ...And just when I thought she was doing okay...

    She was in her net and all was fine. Then the tank didn't look so clear from the ends. So I moved everybody (everyfish) out to the different tanks. Most of them went to the 54L but she went to the 27L. She was all alone and then when I looked at her the next day... She looks like this:



    She's gotten fatter and obviously more damaged. There's nothing sharp in her tank.

    How did this happen??

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