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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Hello all,

    This is a thread about my first ever attempt at breeding any fish (my fish have bred before but not cause I made them), but more importantly, my first attempt at spawning my Betta splendens.

    So far I've taken the male out of his tank, drained the water from his tank and put it in the spawning tank.

    Then I added the heater, sponge filter and plants to the spawning tank.

    I put him in the spawning tank and acclimitized the female. When I put her in he was so obsessed with his own reflection that I had to cover the back with a peice of old real estate sign.

    Now she is in the soft drink bottle and he charges at her flaring ever minute or so. All she does is look at him and flare back. Then he swims away to hide behind his plants.

    Here are some pictures I took of the setup. Please let me know if there's anything I can/should do to improve it:

    The tank:


    The female:


    The male:


    The male sulking behind the plants:


  2. This morning I went to check on her and the flesh coming out of her side has gone. She seems to be doing great but now I have to find another tank for her. Here are some more pics of her this morning:



  3. I thaught I had my MTS situations under control but when I moved my tank and stirred up the gravel, the snails were partying for 2 weeks straight. If I had puffers are loaches then they'd be super fat.

    MTS burrow in the gravel so you think you only have a few, but theres more, much much more. *dramatic tone*

  4. UPDATE: She seems to be doing okay in her little net but a bit bored, building bubble nests. I haven't moved her in fear of her stressing out from the change of water conditions. She's better than she was at the start of this thread and now expects to be treated like a princess. She's always following me, begging for food and she's been getting more than her share of bloodworms over the past few days. Her sore has gone from raw missing scales to semi healed but protruding flesh. I'd imagine that'd just fall off after a while? I'm not sure what I'll do with her once she's healed up...

    Here's some pics of her and her wound (excuse the grainy pictures quality and fish food, she just got fed):





    I think the other fish are jealous of all the extra food and attention she's been getting as they are always hanging out by her net, looking for a way to get in.

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