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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I currently have one 2ft single 18w cool daylight tube mounted in a plywood box over my 2ft planted tank. The Java moss is doing well but the Java Fern, Bacopa and Polysperma aren't thriving.

    I'm planning on building a DIY lighthood (thread in the DIY section) and mounting 4 2ft 18w tubes over it.

    Is that enough light to grow plants decently?

  2. I'm planning on upgrading the lights in my 54L so then plants grow better and I was wondering about DIY lighthoods.

    It currently has one 2ft single 18w cool daylight tube mounted in a plywood box over it. This seems to be keeping the plants alive but not letting them thrive. I'm going to add about four times more light over it but I need to know how to make a decent lighthood.

    Does anyone have any plans or pictures of their light hoods or any ideas on how to make one?


  3. I'm not sure how you'd heat them all. Do you heat the room or keep them in a shallow heated tank?

    I'm starting to collect the 85c homebrand soft drink bottles, got about four so far but I can get more if the need arises.

    Do you have a Plastic Box, plastics place or wholesale food factory in Wellington?

    I went into Plastic Box the other day and they had 50 700ml disposable food containers like the ones you get from Thai and Chinese resturants for $6 and 50lids for $6 too I think.

  4. The BEST thing to syphon small amounts of muck is a turkey baster! I bought one form a supermarket , washed it thoroughly in hot water and use it to syphon any small amounts of muck i see in the tank such as uneaten food, plant leaves etc. Works great and it's easy!! no sucking on tubing and only small amount of water to deal with.

    Yes! I used that when I kept guppy fry in it. Quite possibly the best system. Just catch the in a cup guppies, drop them in the net breeder (no need to acclimitize them cause it's their own tank water), feed them until they're big enough to be sexed and split into different tanks. Worked a treat.

    Back to the Betta...

    She seems to be doing fine. The other fish were coming up to the net and trying to eat her missed food from underneath.

  5. As above. 2 weeks is not cycling a tank. It a token gesture at best however I am not the greatest at tank cycling either and have never had a problem.

    I've read that it is possible to cycle a tank in one week if using pure ammonia.

    I'm very sorry to hear about your fish, especially since they were so expensive. Raise the temperature and if possible set up a hospital tank so you can dose individual fish if the others aren't sick. This will save you money on medicine and will stop the meds from killing the good bacteria in your main tank.

    Good luck.

  6. That made me LOL.

    Did anyone else notice the fish bowl with an angel fish in it? It shows the fish glowing warmer than the water. But a cold-blooded animal will just be the same temperature of the water around it.

    I noticed that too, and I don't think those poor (computer generated) angel fish stuffed into that tiny bowl would have been getting much excersise so wouldn't be creating excess heat.

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