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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Maybe we could have a competition? Who else has 3 footers? *Dejavu much?* :o :lol: :wink:

    I'm not sure about Killies, haven't seen much of them. I do like the banded pearlfish though... :)

    I hope I can pull this one off, it'd be nice to have a tank I can be proud of.

    Ammonia was at 1ppm this morning so I brought it up to around 5ppm again. It's at about 2ppm so I'm just waiting for it to drop to 1ppm before I dose again.

  2. I'm not sure what I'm going to stock this tank with. I have two old platies who have done their dash and I think they're gunna cark it soon. Two kribs that I would like to sell, my Betta isn't happy having to sure his tank with them, he's doing a big sulk. And then there's the pair of BN's and their baby. Is it okay to have them in a tank with no driftwood? They seem to like it an awful lot.

    But apart from the above :lol: , I'm pretty much free to stock any cheapish fish. I was thinking a nice big school of either Cherry Barbs or if we have them here, some micro rasboras (I wish!).

  3. I'm thinking of planting hairgrass at the back corners and having a nice glosso carpet in the front. Rotala and maybe Polysperma behind the rocks and Riccia tied to the rocks.

    Will 60w/1.333w/L be enough for the above plants? Is that 3wpg?

    Thanks :hail:

  4. I'd say two female guppies and two female platies, perhaps a male for each. Provided you have another tank for the fry to go into. Otherwise, have only males.

    Depends what sand it is really. Most clean sand is fine.

    I got about 20 fry each time fry my guppy but I've heard of 50+

    They seem to breed on their own wether you like it or not.


  5. Funny you should say that Phoenix. When I was filling it up I got to about half way and wondered if I should keep filling or leave it and have a riaparium... :o

    Thanks N1CK, I didn't notice the rock before :oops: but it's now sunken in.

    My ammonia reading is off the charts, gotta love fishless cycling.

  6. Thanks Phoenix, it looks better in real life but still not perfect, yet. It needs ALOT of work still.

    You may be able to see that there is a space to the left? That's were my next tank is going. Shhh!

  7. Here's some pics of the tank with and without water and background:

    Waterless tank w/out background


    Tank waterless from an above angle


    Tank w. background, still waterless


    Tank filled with water


    O2? bubbles on rock


  8. *Shiver*

    They don't want them to be feeders? Is that a joke?

    I bred guppies when I first started out with fish and I had a couple with crooked backs (their Ma had one too) but the rest came out fine. When I sold my second batch the guy who bought them was more than happy to take the deform ones, for his Frontsa! :lol:

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