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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I've got some blue rams in my 54L so if they out grow that then they can go in here. Still haven't got rid of my Kribs so I guess they'll be going back in here with the BN's. I've always found corydoras a bit expensive but if I can get some for around $5 ea then that would be great.

    Any pics Twinkles?

  2. Still wondering what I should stock. Have been thinking about Hatchets, Pantodon :o:o , Barbs, Rasboras and Tetras.

    I'd be keen for some tetras but would it be cruel to keep them in high light situations?

    Also, Endlers, anyone got them?

  3. No worries, I can see where you were coming from.

    When I clean algae off the glass sometimes it's so thick that I can see it being pulled off and dispersed into the water. Then I don't see it again. :-? Whatever works I guess. Plus I don't mind a bit of green algae as long as the plants are all good. It's the black algae I hate, which I may have finally gotten rid of. :bounce:

  4. Turned off power and used a letter opener to pop up the blue button. Turned the dial to 28C (tank temp.) and pushed the button back down. Adjusted the dial to 26C (desired temp.) but when I switched it back on, the pilot light went on, indicating the heater was on. :-?

    Will have to wait till morning to see if it works properly.

    Ammonia still sitting around 2.6ppm, hopefully down to >1ppm by morning.

  5. I tried pulling the liddle blue button but it seems to be stuck. How can I unstuck it? I remember I pushed it down once ages ago and it stayed at 26, just like it was set.

    Does the heater need to be on for the button to come unstuck?


  6. You will have to wait until I have a development version of the forum running on my server - don't want to take the whole place down on account of a few smilies!

    But how will we accurately and quickly convey our emotions?!

    Haha, my male mouse, Buster, used to attack Cat through his cage bars. She would then jump and run off.

  7. I wish I had some Anubias, I forgot to ask HFF for some :oops:

    The Shhh! was for the heater hiding.

    Which happens to be playing up :-? . I thought Jagers were supposed to be good but set at 26 and running at 29 aint good. Lowered it to 23 to see if that helps. Not a faulty thermometer either, I have one at each end atm.

  8. I've got a school of about 50 adult oscars in there at the moment. :lol:

    Kidding, I'm using regular cloudy ammonia. The HomeBrand stuff from FoodTown.

    Good idea about hiding the wood, the heater's already back there, shhh! It might get in the way of the plants I want to put back there.

  9. The general rule is that if you have one, then you need to have many.

    One rock on its own will look un-natural so I'd suggest ditching the rock if there's only one. Maybe remove all the rocks even if there is more than because the DW takes up alot of space. You may need to use plants like moss and java fern to fill in the space on the DW.


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