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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Since I emptied the 3 footer on Saturday. The female occupied the cave (which my Betta rarely uses) and the "male" stayed far away. They seemed to stay away from ea other.

    I just fed my Betta a few bloodworms in his container but it's been all flakes since Saturday. The Kribs did seem to colour up when I put them in the tank though.

  2. IMG_4376.jpg

    Two little Kribs in the tank, no sharp objects. Only a 27L tank but he seemed to be staying out of their way.

    Was it them or is it fin rot?

    Dosed 6 drops of Bettafix in a 500ml container. Hoping it's not fin rot and hope he gets better :(

  3. Water has been "cloudy" for the last couple of days. Nothing serious but I thought that if you added water carefully, the substrate wouldn't get stirred up and make the water go cloudy.

    Can I add fish if it's still cloudy by Saturday?

  4. Yay! I think I solved the heater problem! :bounce: Pulled out the button, adjusted to 28, pushed in button, adjusted to 26 and the light hasn't come on yet. Temperature is falling.

    Ammonia was at around 1ppm this morning so I took it up to 5ppm with 15ml of Cloudy Ammonia.

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