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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Thanks N1CK.

    SketchUp is easy, you just gotta be an aspiring computer nerd like me! :x

    It's not nearly as annoying as waiting for acrylic you ordered 23 days ago! :evil: :evil: :evil: x1,000,000!

    Does anyone use clay in their substrate or know how to?

  2. Yeah, popped them in about half an hour ago. Seem to be doing great. Exploring heaps. They were schooling at first but then broke up and investigated the tank.

    Still can't tell what gender they are yet :-? . They all look like girls to me (fingers crossed) but they're only a month old so we'll see.

  3. Yeah, it's true that they can get shallower and hotter, therefore, less oxygen. That's why they have the Labyrinth organ, to breathe air from above the surface. But they can jump from those puddles to find another one, they can't jump from the above conTRAPtion. I don't see the point in spending "Just $55.00!" on that thing when you can get a larger, more functional tank for much cheaper.

  4. Oh yes, good ol' duck weed. No thanks, this is my planted tank, I'll never get rid of it! It's thriving in ym 80L breeder though :D .

    Covered it in black fabric, replaced CO2 line with regular airline. No lights, no feeding, will see how it goes after three days. Added the CO2 line to my 27L so I don't waste anything.

  5. Congrats on the baby, just feed it what the cory's would eat but smaller.

    To post pic just insert the URL (web address) of just the picture and and the and tags at the start and end respectively e.g yourpicturehere.com

  6. Try a week long blackout. Cover up the whole tank and turn off all lights. Feed fish once a day if needed and check if water is clear again. Once clear you can go back to normal.

    I don't think the substrate is doing it. How new is the tank?

    Plants compete with algae so those will reduce it in the future.

  7. Been throwing some ideas around on Sketchup and came up with my "final" design. I will seperate the aquarium into two equal parts with plastic, rigid mesh. Stick large flat rocks on it to cover up the front and put the heater and pump behind in a seperate cage. Cover the land part with sand and put on a poly background. Run the tube from the pump up through the background and let the water dribble down into a small plastic pool, then back to the water part. Pictures:



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