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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I'm going to redo my tank again. Don't know what I'm going to do with the fish. I'm not selling my proven pair of BN's and their bubba can go in my fighter's tank. Anyone want to buy two young Kribs and one (maybe two) platies? And a narrow leafed sword plant?

    If the lights I buy work and I can get my hands on some Ambulia, Sag and Val, this is what the tank will look like. Val at back left, Ambulia back centre, Polysperma at back right and sag at the front. Hoping to make a crazy jungle tank as I'm sick of having algae and no living plants.


  2. If you're not looking at entering the off-the-shelf competition then there's no reason you can't up your lighting. But then you'd have to balance it out with CO2 and ferts. It's very interesting to see what kind of work goes into those small, yet beautiful tanks. Often they have canister filters, pressurized CO2, high quality substrate and very good lighting. They also have very nice rocks which seem to eb a big theme with these nano tank layouts.

    But as Romeo has shown, low light plants such as Crypts and Java Fern can be grown in this tank.

    Good luck

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