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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Most plants grow fine in regular gravel/sand but this would be interesting to see. I saw someone on the PT forums who put just topsoil under their gravel and it worked well, no cloudy water or anything. Make sure you get just topsoil though, no additives, and place it under the substrate where the fish can't get to it or else you'll have an opaque tank.

    Good luck, keep us updated.

  2. Ooo! Those are niiice. :bounce:

    But I'm still along way from getting my tank made, due to the acrylic still not arriving!

    The lights on my 3 footer aren't growing me plants (anyone WTB aquaone 3ft double lighthood with working bulbs?) so if I don't sell the hood I might have to make that plantless tank :cry: . Or a blackwater tank! :D OR if I get some new lights then I'll replant or make that a paludarium, if boss lady says yes.

  3. Hey! I'm not dissing (disrespecting) NZ aquatic life, I'm just saying they blend in very well and aren't noticed. I too always look out for fish, plants and other things in the stream but most others don't. Good point Stella, all the displays I've seen are usless, further borifying (that's not a word is it?) the people who look at them.

  4. Yeah. NZ fish and other aquatic life being rather dull and inconspicious means that they don't attract attention to themselves. Good against predators but humans don't care for them. If the fish was a pretty as the tropical species then people would probably care more, but they're not. :(

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