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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I haven't had any experince with swordtails but they are closely related to platies, right?

    I fed my 5 surviving wagtail fry microworms for the first few weeks but then move on to crushed flake and crushed pellets. Now they are eating big fish food with their mother. I think they are two months old also. Much bigger than when they were first born.

    Try feeding crushed up flakes.

  2. Thanks Whetu!

    I knew I forgot something!

    I was at Cockle Bay (Howick) yesterday picking up my new fighters and went down to the beach to kill some time. I was walking round the puddles in the rocks and saw some crabs and anemones. Also saw a 5cm baby flounder! But what interested me most was these clear little shrimp that darted away from my finger when I tried to touch them.

    I think they are Paratya curvirostris (http://www.nzfreshwater.org/shrimp.html) but where in pretty much full salt water, the area they are in gets covered by the tide.

    Are they the above?

    If so, are they suitable for my tank?

    Thanks :bow:

  3. I know :D

    Might run CO2 from 3ltr juice bottle next time we get juice or maybe just a milk bottle. Will a milk bottle be okay?

    Tested Ammonia this morning, it was at 1ppm. Tested Nitrites this avo, were at 0ppm. Once the Nitrite levels spike, I'll add the BN's and Platies. HFF has Hairgrass and Rotala and awesome prices but no word on the Glosso. Anyone got Glosso?

    That's all I can think of for now.


  4. I've read that site too.

    I'm not sure about Betta fighting, they don't just put two fish in a jar for the sick pleasure of it. It's part of their (thai Betta breeders) history and the rarely let fish fight to the death. If their fish wins, they get some money. If it loses, they put it in a jar and bring it back to health. The 5 star fighters fetch quite a bit on AquaBid, much more than the fancy ones. I'd be keen to get my hands on some true fighters, not for fighting puropses but they look so cool, nearly wild.

  5. Thanks P44, it looks okay for 45mins work seperating and plant hairgrass :o

    I don't think it's talent, it's just hairgrass. That stuff works wonders. Idk if I should keep it low and plant the front with Glosso or let the hairgrass take over the front and plant tallish stems behind the rocks.


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