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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I emailed them and here's what I got:

    Hi Sam Please see the attached document for the process of adding a species tothe import health standard for ornamental fish and marine invertebrates. Species are not added to the import health standard without an initialrequest. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards Erin Maher | Animal Import Advisor | Animal Imports and Exports Group |MAF Biosecurity New Zealand

    Need to have a read through the document and request for them to be added, eh?

  2. Macro is usually the little button with a flower on it, makes you be able to focus on little things closeup. To remove audio simply put the clip in Windows Movies Maker, click on the strip down the bottom and click mute. Save as a movie file and you're set. Hard to explain...

  3. I don't use the flash but use macro. If they're moving super fast then I up the ISO to 1600 (I think) and that catches them, even if it's a little grainy. Here's an awesome article: http://www.ultimatebettas.com/index.php?showtopic=10217

    The female and male that haven't got whitespot seem to be getting along nicely and he's built a nest. They both have nice finnage but the colouring is a nightmare :lol: . She however is a perfect colour match for Mr Whitespot.

  4. Don't feel bad, we all make mistakes. Just keep the water clean and the feedings regular and they should be okay. They prolly won't be as big as the could have been but size doens't always matter.

    If my fighters ever spawn, I'd be terrified of making a mistake. They're so sensitive. :-?

  5. This is the second post of my guy on this forum too! :D

    Super proud of him, only $5 but he has a slight kink in the base of his tail. I'm going more for tail type but would be keen to get any spawn in. Once I moved the platies and BN's out of the 80litre and the fighters mature (if they get through this whitespot) I'll use it as a massive spawning and rearing tank.

  6. That's what I thought about the Siamese fighters they destroyed at the border. Funny how my destroy them yet many of us keep them as pets... I can't imagine fighters surviving our regular temps let alone all year round. And even if they did, the natives would thrash them, they were fancy's I think.

    So I should ask MAF?

  7. Water is being aerated, has been since I dosed.

    It's a bummer that he's in the tank with two other fish :evil:

    I floated them for five mins after taking out all but the water to cover them plus a few cms more. Added half a cup of water every five mins then let them swim out.

  8. :bounce: They have spiked. At first, I wondered why it hadn't turned pink. Came back in a few mins and it was a deep purpley pink! We have Nitrites people!

    Once they drop, it'll be all go. First I'll move the BN's and then the seven Platies a week later. Oh, and I must remember to add a CO2 bottle and replace the tubes :P

  9. Yeah, I think it is stress associated. Kinda like the common cold, always present but arises in times of stress. Never had it before that I know of, just hope I'm doing the right things. I swear they weren't on him when I got him or even yesterday. I'm pretty sure that little irregular whitespots all over him are not his pattern.

    The instructions on Tonic say to dose 1 drop per litre, make a 25% water change on day 3 and add 1ml per 30 litres. On day 7, do another 25% change and add carbon.

    Should I follow the instructions?

  10. Looking closely at my new red Delta fighter and noticed he had little white speck things on his anal fin. Looked even closer and saw they were all over his body. Pressuming Whitespot at this stage but none of the other's in the divided system even show signs of it. Fish are all acting normally, the other male even made a bubble nest in some floating Riccia.

    So I dosed some tonic (meth blue and malachite green) and added an airstone.

    Anything else I can do?

    Will this work? If so, how long until it's over?

    Thanks heaps! :hail:

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