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Everything posted by SamH

  1. I have some experience with modifying and repairing lighthoods from my Masterpet tank. Are you able to post photos of the current hood and the unit you wish to replace it with?
  2. Have you considered Indian Fern instead of Bolbitis? It'll help keep algae away and take a fraction of the time to fill in.
  3. Running a 2213 with 13mm(?) lily pipes and a Hydor inline would work but on anything smaller than 50L might get a bit chaotic with that flow.
  4. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    We're back! And just in time, I was almost about to do something productive
  5. Not really, it happens with age. They start off all fiery and fresh but plateau after a few months, usually ending with a month of hiding and not eating. How old was he when you got him?
  6. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    Cleared up nicely.
  7. SamH

    co2 question!!

    Even our best LFS stock barely anything, there's not enough demand.
  8. SamH

    co2 question!!

    A bubble counter only measures the rate of CO2 entering your aquarium, you need a drop checker to measure the total CO2 in your water.
  9. Next time we'll* email, post on here and make a Facebook event. *Liam will
  10. Yikes, we'll have to make it clearer next month! Might be a virtual meeting. I'll PM you now Sophia.
  11. I currently run four of these timers, about to set up another 2 shortly. They can be a little tricky to use initially but once you learn how they work they're brilliant. Start with 6hrs and up it to 8-10 if you are free of algae issues.
  12. Remember guys, the meeting is at 1pm today at Lincoln Rd Carls Jnr! Come along and pick up your membership cards, we'll even go to Bird Barn afterwards 8)
  13. Tetras that don't look the same won't shoal together, it's best to get a large group of a single species so pick your favourite and use "feature fish" for variation and added interest. Also, a larger school gives a better effect than a few groups of different species.
  14. Is it at all possible to just cut the tall ones and leave the ones that haven't reached the surface yet? Or are all the leaves the same height?
  15. Nah-uh! He sulked for a couple of weeks when I isolated him but then he was back to his usual self. Out of nowhere he was belly up :dunno: You coming to the meeting this Sat? 8)
  16. He came to stay with me, killed one of my fighters, got sent to the naughty corner and carked it. Beautiful fish but a right pain in the ass.
  17. By Liam ft. Sam Very nicely done, can't wait to see it filled with corys :thup:
  18. I know nothing about corals but I do know they had to get here from overseas in the first place, meaning a flight of at least 8hrs. If I were in your situation, I'd get my hands on as many poly boxes as possible and keep 2-3 fish per bag with heat packs. If you could get your hands on some O2 that would help too. Then take them up to your temporary tank in your new place (or a nearby friends place or a willing pet store) and settle them in ASAP. Fish can survive extended transit if treated well.
  19. They have been to Seddon twice on One News, does anyone watch the country's top news??
  20. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    If only! I have petrol, a girlfriend and a computer to spend money on too :nilly: Yeah first year BLA @ Unitec.
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