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Everything posted by SamH

  1. That's an amazing first breed! If this one survived, I don't see any reason why subsequent fry wouldn't!
  2. Do you have an example of this colour? I have a really nice colour with pool sand.
  3. Meeting 1pm tomorrow, no worries if you show up an hour or so earlier. Anyone and everyone welcome, PM me for address.
  4. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    As you can see I'm really going all out for this weekend's club meeting :slfg:
  5. :iag: :nfs: Any for sale? I'm in the market for a dozen really showy males for my latest aquascape.
  6. Not a problem Paul, family comes first. Hope to see you next month!
  7. This project looks amazing, looking forward to updates :spop: Are you able to source some riparian plants for this pond? It would add another dimension both aesthetically and functionally.
  8. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    But I didn't fall in fish-love with pygmies, they're just not the same!
  9. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    Nope, I was told to wait till Thursday to see if any come in with this shipment. Fingers crossed!
  10. And just when I thought I was going to get some school work done :cofn:
  11. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    Corydoras habrosus tank is coming along nicely, now I just need some Corydoras habrosus :nilly:
  12. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    Huge net more like :lol:
  13. SamH

    The What's Up? thread.

    Just caught 71 longfin WCMM without an issue 8)
  14. Very nice! Had to mute the sports news though
  15. Love the colours and the purpose, can't wait to see the result!
  16. All of the plants you listed will grow fast enough under those lights, once established, trimming fast plants is a pain!
  17. Keep the light as is, it'll be more stable and easier to manage.
  18. Just Paul and I, the other half of the team showed up for Bird Barn. Poor notice was to blame :oops:
  19. AFA August meeting confirmed for Sunday 25th August at 1pm. Everyone is welcome, message me for my address.
  20. Your lighting is low-medium. I run 1x T8 tube on a similar sized tank and it grow most plants quite slowly. You could grow most stems under those lights.
  21. Well done! Truly a master of all catfish
  22. I'm running a 1000lph internal filter on a 54L tank. Using a short spray bar it absolutely smashed it so I drilled the holes as big as possible and now the flow isn't as strong. Have a play around with different filter outlets and their placement in the tank.
  23. Ten times turn over is good, the only issue you might have is with flow/current. Fish don't mind their water being filtered ten times an hour, they do however mind being blown around the tank.
  24. He's a stunner, you will need about 4-5 more angels to spread the aggression though.
  25. In theory that should work but what will you do with the fish during the move?
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