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Everything posted by REEVESTA

  1. yeah, thats the problem i came across when trying to get them out
  2. 3-4 foot tanks work well. But dont add to many rocks or you will end up taking them out every time you need to strip a female. What mbuna are you planning on breeding?
  3. I have kept a bucket of java fern in a bucket outside for almost a year, and havn't touched it once, and decided to go through it today. Found a large amount of what looks like blood worm wriggling round in the bottom of the bucket :nilly: Are they safe to feed to the fish? I read somwhere that they can carry disease?
  4. He has started eating broken up sinking carnivore pellets, and now own two pearlscale cichlids but the second hasnt started eating pellets yet.
  5. Im not sure on the dimentions of his tank but some cool big fish are ornate bichir, clown knife fish, Royal Panaque(Panaque nigrolineatus), jaguar cichlid or he could try some oscars?
  6. Tell him to try java fern. Fish dont eat it because its to bitter and it can grow well in low light levels, plus you can attach it to wood/rocks so the fish dont dig it up.
  7. Wow thats a nice firemouth. Im planning on doing the same sort of thing with my 4 footer, but with more wood and more real plants (with anubis,maybe swords and java ferns) Do you know where I can get a large fire mouth like that? organisim only has 5cm ones
  8. I remember seeing that. Looks a bit big to swallow, not to mention the spines (On the plec that is)
  9. I might try get some of my hoplos later, they used to look they had been eating marbles :lol: . Not so much now though.
  10. I think you will find most of the fish in your tank will nibble on the algae wafers , even the tetras. That amount of food should be ok, if you do happen to over feed/ see leftover food sitting on the bottom of the tank 10 minz after feeding just syphon it out.
  11. google is your friend :thup: http://www.google.co.nz/
  12. looks like he has a taste for prawn should have cut it up smaller........... how do you tell if a fish is choking? :sml2:
  13. Probems are that they are to big but i can break them up. And then he may not even eat it if he isint even eating cichlid gold. And i spent the last of my cash on him a nic and two fire mouths. Masivore costs around $60? how long does it last?
  14. I need him to grow a fare bit before he is big enough to move to the big tank (or he will be CK food) how can i get him to grow fast? Ive tryed sinking cichlid gold but he just spits it out, but he ravenously eats spirulina flakes (I dont expect him to grow very fast eating that :facepalm: ) What foods should I try? And what will help him grow? I will do lots of/frequent water changes He is in with 3 large angel fish so he will need to compete for food. Hes about 5-6cm including tail, I will try for some pics soon Thanks Reevesta

    Tank mates

    You should get rid of the angel fish and get some more penguin tetras. I have a small group of golden barbs in my comunity and they add some great colour and they are quite cheap to. If you whant colour you could try a group of larger barbs or tetras and if you are looking for more interesting fish you could try a black ghost knife fish or a group of pearl Gourami. Earth eaters are awesome fish :thup:
  16. Ok thanks that would be great if you could find me some, i might need some large pieces because they are for my 4 foot.
  17. Abit to far as i dont have a car :lol:
  18. What beachs in chch area can i find large pieces of driftwood that dont make the water go nasty and would look nice in a CA setup? Thanks
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