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Everything posted by REEVESTA

  1. That sounds good, but I think you would need some SAEs and corys to.
  2. they are twice that down here
  3. Thats if you have $1000 to spare :lol:
  4. More tiger barbs and more clown loachs is what I would go for. Gold barbs are still my fav though :roll:
  5. Its hard to get a good pic. The fire eel hogs all the camara (hes twice the size of the peacock)
  6. keep in mind that bala sharks get to 30cm
  7. I would say 4-5 at the least for a group the more ther better
  8. I will try get some pics, his stripe starts at the snout. I believe they are called striped peacock eels http://www.google.co.nz/images?hl=en&q= ... 03&bih=562
  9. thats definately a peacock eel, it look just like mine. I should probably hand feed mine more.
  10. Arapaima gigas Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) Beluga (Huso huso)
  11. Mine can eat around 20-25 pices of cichild gold in one sitting and hes only around 13cm
  12. Mine coloured up around 4cm
  13. If you know any one with a pond ask them if you can check it. They might have some in them? heaps of people get tads in their ponds
  14. It looks like its related to a brchardi? probably from tanganyika
  15. I will move him once hes a few cms bigger or he will end up as food.
  16. Hes in a 60cm tank atm till hes big enough for the ornate, he will be moved to the 260L tank. I will be getting a six footer some time soon hopfuly just need to find one in chch, hes with geos atm and will go with the ornate when hes bigger. Eating heaps of cichlid gold, and some prawn but he seems to like pellets more.
  17. Did you catch them in chch? If you did, where?
  18. I feed mine cichlid gold and cichlid excel.
  19. I got him off Spoon who said he got him off Nav
  20. Just an update on the fish I currently have. Albino Gold head Angels Hoplo catfish Rams:Gold, Blue and EB Africans Not an african but its in the tank back to the cichlids And thats not all of them, just the good ones :lol:
  21. Wow you would need a huge tank, But its good if you have nine friends that want one :lol: that would turn out real cheap.
  22. Could you guys put some pictures of your set ups on?
  23. sure, i would put some pics of my bgk but he's hyper and its imposible to get a pic :lol:
  24. 2 B.Rams + 27 Ember Tetras would be the best (in my opinion) I like rams, having three would mean if two pair up they would gang up on the third one and possibly kill it.
  25. Hey guys. got any pics of your CKs? Im just interested to see who has them and see how big they are? Mine is only 10cm and has growen 2cm since I got him. Pics are from when I got him. He isn't out atm so cant get a good picture of him. Sorry about the quality of the pics he's not much of a poser. :lol: and with flash His spots are alot more vivid now and is alot fatter than in the pics
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