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Everything posted by axolotl-danio

  1. i think Soleirolia soleirolii is the land baby tears that hangs and is flimsy. i have kept the aquatic version Bacopa moniera or Bacopa amplexicaulis they have a stronger stem
  2. I bought a plant called zealandia sword and I cant find any info on it can anyone help? Also it came in an open sided pot filled with (what i think is) rockwool and a bit of lead at the bottom. How do I plant it.
  3. The Chinese algae eaters are a nightmare to catch let alone the fact they jump out of you nets.
  4. Yeah it just browned off. I just put it in my tadpole tank for them to eat in the end. Interesting about the Water sprite/Indian fern though. I might have to get some.
  5. well i will see how it goes i have had ludwigia baby tears and hygrophila polysperma grow fine with just a $12 briscose desk lamp.
  6. So what the difference between water wisteria and HYGROPHILLA DIFFORMIS are they the same thing?
  7. :bounce: Thanks Caryl i did try oxygen weed before i got the fish but it just died i dont think it handled the temp well. :bounce:
  8. Ok i am hoping for my leopard fish to breed. Besides java moss what are some nice plants that fit this criteria. 1. Low light basically just sunlight and room light. 2. Will protect fry from parents. 3. Commonly available and cheap. 4. 22c temp. 5. Something that can be anchored or floating. thanks
  9. at least i think it is Golden Lloydiella
  10. i just found out it was Golden Lloydiella thanks anyway :bounce:
  11. Hello i recently got a new plant for my leopard fish tank. Its name was gold-something but i cant remember? It has small rounded greeny gold leaves. Any ideas?
  12. 1 axolotl 1 betta 1 apple snail 4 kyathit danios (getting more) 2 glo-light tetras (getting more) 1 brinze corydora (getting more) 1 cae 2 tadpoles 1 frog 2 cats 4 chickens
  13. So are you saying they will only eat some fry? If a add a few plants will the chances of survival be greater? :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  14. Hello a few more questions on leopard fish. 1. Do they like a fast or slow current? 2. Heavy or low aeration? 3. Will they eat their fry in an unplanted aquarium? 4. Whats the best sort of diet for them? 5. How many fry can i expect if they breed? Thanks allot :bounce: :roll: :oops: :evil: :-? 8) :lol:
  15. thanks for all the answers so far its jbl novotemia if it makes a difference
  16. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: will 3 year out of date brine shrimp eggs still hatch :bounce:
  17. So if i was to get a basic trio and let them breed on their own then selectively breed the offspring to a certain trait that would make me a breeder right.
  18. So are you saying if a human does nothing to help them breed besides basic maintenance you cant say you personally bred them
  19. i have kept fish for ages but have never bred them would leopards be a good option is it true they dont eat their fry are they just as easy as i have heard guppies are
  20. what is the ideal temperature for breeding leopard fish
  21. if they did would the resulting fish be tropical or coldwater
  22. hi i have a few questions on leopard fish 1. whats the minimum tank size for a trio? 2. is 15c an ok temp? 3. do they ever eat their fry? 4. how often will they breed? 5. how many babies would they produce? 6. would they be ok for a first time breeder? 7. what sort of food do they need and how often? 8. how do you tell apart male & female? and any other info is appreciated thanks
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