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Everything posted by Dave+Amy

  1. ...I eat a lot..... plus I've figured saving 3 weeks' worth of lunch money could total around $150 if not more...going by at least $10 per day...lol and maybe I'll allow some of my work money go towards it Besides I go into shops with things in mind - I NEVER buy things I wasn't planning on (takes me usually 3hours when shopping for a new pair of jeans...) I CANNOT wait!!
  2. can you grow them emersed and submerge afterwards or would it die? they look bigger when grown emersed (or is that just me?)
  3. the bump on my Blue Ram lasted about a week and got quite big and redish (like a tumor) then it disappeared but my Ram still died found it floating on top of the Indian Fern
  4. maybe I should've been more explicit with the instructions..it's alright as long as you haven't overdosed the water, I take my Discus out for epsom dips should any of them pig out on algae wafers and get constipated :roll: - beats treating the whole tank 'cos it's really harsh on some of my plants
  5. I'm waiting until saturday to get mine (hopefully!!!) haven't had just the brown ones in ages...I don't know how many other people concur but I find the brown BNs more hardy than GBAs
  6. uh..I had one of those on one of my Blue Rams but it died after the bump went away..hope she gets better!
  7. oh there's definately nothing wrong with a small Discus but when you get one in a tank with much bigger Discus it doesn't take long for it to be bullied to death or from starvation..and it takes a lot of time and effort without guarantee to restore its health when they go beyond a stage even when isolated, some people just euthanase to end its suffering. You'll probably find it easier to restore them in a barebottom tank Meg a lot of feding up and huge waterhchanges should get them back on form even if they won't grow much bigger
  8. I've got a hood for my Angel tank though so the effect won't be the same..but I've definately been trawling through images of other people's tanks on google for a simple but yet effective design and with all white angels I'm hoping to get my mitts on some red/dark substrate...
  9. would look cool if you attached some moss on it..for an old ruins look suggested before by someone
  10. I'm crossing my fingers for a roadtrip to Wonderworld (is the name right?) in a week's time I heard they have the largest selection of aquarium things...so excited..going to be saving up all my lunch money!
  11. lmao..or you could try Navarre's solution lol best of both worlds
  12. welcome Megs...enjoy your stay! I hope people don't go flushing stunted fish down toilets My Discus wouldn't be able to fit down the toilet
  13. take that back Phoenix.... awesome! I can't till the end of my exam so I can get into my tank and decorate it! My poor Angels have been in a barebottom tank for the past 2months... Will start a sep thread with the remodelling process
  14. baby Discus with substrate? that's not a good idea... I'd go barebottom until at least 5/6cm There's nothing wrong with using UV filter..probably good if you're having algae problems. have a look at my tank http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=38115&start=30 - I haven't started liquid fert dosing yet and am only using JBL fert balls and it's growing quite well. But am going to start using Han's PMDD when I've picked my motivation and mixed up the solution lol. What colour discus you getting in? you could plan your plants (colour, heights etc) to optimise your Discus to standing out more if you're determined on having substrate?
  15. stop using big words...brain not coping...lol but aren't you scared that if you pour water too fast/hard into your tank it might push those schists? Does anybody know of a glue that I can use to stick schist pieces together with? no leaching of chems etc
  16. lmao...I have to agree it's one fat shark! Surprised it didn't get stuck in the zucchinni!
  17. hey guys, I'm wanting to aquascape my deep Angel tank and wanting some foreground plants but I'm bored of glosso...anubias don't grow fast enough...lighting will probably be 10,000K growlux or near, waterchange aiming for twice a week at the most..so they won't be that disturbed. could people let me know what other kinds of foreground plants are available here? or PM me if you have some for sale Cheers
  18. same I want some too!! I wish I has the patience to create a masterpiece like those...alas not one of my virtues
  19. where did you get your schist from? local gardening place? How did you prevent your schist sheets from slipping? I'm thinking if I'm wanting vertical ones then I'd better stick them down before they fall over and smash the side of the tank. I've never had any success with hairgrass they get all dusty then die..which I don't understand.
  20. my everyday knowledge is being deleted from my brain to make room for exam material wish I could have both
  21. Could I put slate in (or would that alter pH)?? I quite like how yours is all layered - I'm thinking about having a couple of slates standing up or leaning vertically surrounding by the sag you gave me..but what can I have as foreground plants. Not wanting glosso because of lighting requirements and anubias grow too slowly, was thinking hairgrass but then they need high lighting too. If i have 10,000K glowlux lighting would that be sufficient enough?
  22. I'm wanting to prune it for its own good..being contantly cooked by the heater can't be very good for it and I can't relocate the heater because the electric cord isn't long enough...I think you'll like it down here, so many stores to choose from! Still can't decide how I want to decorate my Angel tank yet..since I have a natural them for Discus I want to go different with the Angels
  23. are you planing to submerge them in the future? it would be cool if you did some sort of half land/half water displays (I cannot remember their proper name )
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