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Everything posted by Olly

  1. Olly

    Angelfish ID

    I'm no expert but it looks exactly like the peruvians I had :bounce:
  2. Olly

    My new 5ft

    :lol: I'm the same I'm 5'11" and weigh 110-115kg depending on if I've had lunch I can benchpress my own weight and run 10km in 45min but am "very obese" according to BMI lol
  3. I have a cf700 which is a good filter The one problem I have had with it was when it was on my discus tank at 30*C, the hoses went all soft and kinked really badly, to the point where there was actually no flow, and the tank had an ammonia spike and killed 2 discus. It kinked just by the taps. I put a soft spring (from a sheep drench pack) around the hose and that fixed it Just a warning
  4. Olly

    My new 5ft

    I'm fully open to learning what my fish really is That link is helpful, G. altifrons is probably what it is? It's not G. brachybranchus as it has a white chin and it's lateral spot is much smaller than that
  5. Olly

    My new 5ft

    Wow they are cool Now time to do some research
  6. Olly

    My new 5ft

    the ones I saw looked like they had elephantitis in their face and they were just really dark brown all over
  7. lmao worlds most successful pickup line
  8. Olly

    My new 5ft

    lmao :lol: :lol: maybe I need to see your chocolates Navarre, the only adult chocolates I have seen were butt ugly and just hid all the time. A nice fish could probably look good, but I haven't seen one yet Do you have any photos of yours? Maybe you can sway my opinion would they fight with the oscars?
  9. Olly

    My new 5ft

    Maybe the experts can confirm what it is? Is the photo good enough to ID it?
  10. Olly

    My new 5ft

    why isn't it?
  11. Olly

    My new 5ft

    yep it is raphael is in there too
  12. Olly

    My new 5ft

    I would love a few more but can't afford more at $28 a fish at wetpets, and havn't seen any others for sale at all in 6 months. If you can help me PLEASE let me know What africans would you suggest? the south americans are staying :lol: the gravel is scoria which is neutral - as far as I know its made from silica I got it from Palmers for $14.95 for 20kg Chocolates look cool little but they get ugly when they older in my opinion
  13. Olly

    My new 5ft

    I have finally got my new 5ft set up It is 1.5m x 0.6m x 0.6m = 540L It has 2 external canister filters on it - one 1200lph and one 1400lph Gravel is red scoria, rocks are greywacke I want a nice big piece of driftwood for the right hand side of the tank, haven't found what I want yet Fish are: 2 oscars, 1 red and one red tiger 1 S. fryeri 1 G. surinamensis 1 bala shark 1 pleco 1 chocolate talking catfish 2 firemouths that will go in once they are big enough Are there any other fish people would recommend to put in there? I really want a bichir of some sort
  14. thanks, I only took about a hundred to get those ones :lol:
  15. I lost mine - they got the ulcer thing you mentioned and died one by one, including the fry I think they might have given something to my guppies too, cos they started dying after the gourami did I like cichlids better anyway, oscars are awesome
  16. Good stuff man congratulations
  17. Olly

    18000K Tubes

    you just did :lol: :lol:
  18. Ira it is ^-2 because I wrote it ms^-2 not m/s^2 When a power is taken from the bottom to the top of a fraction or vice versa, it's sign changes. For example, s^-2 means the inverse of s^2 in other words 1/s^2 writing it as m/s^2 is exactly the same as writing it as ms^-2 because it means m.(1/s^2) Your feather may accellerate at the same rate but it's terminal velocity is much slower than that of a wild-caught rock :lol:
  19. make that 9.8 ms^-2 phoenix they get faster :bounce:
  20. before and after photos please
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