traditionally you are correct in regard to the interpretation of the word "meal", and historically the word "meal" was an easy way to say "all the crap bits that are industry biproducts". The "new" laws regarding label ingredients appear to try and balance the needs of the consumer with the desires of the regulatory authorities. Repashy is a premium product, and the company states that it only uses whole animal ingredients, but it is a meal by the time it is in the product, so it is a tricky balance that needs to be achieved. I am not sure if the amount of space on the label, and the requirement to list all of the other ingredients also played a part in the dropping of the word "whole", or whether it is because the products have been around for 20 years and consumers in other markets already understand that Repashy only use whole ingredients, so the word was removed from the label. additionally if you compare the finished product, which is 3-4 times the volume of the package that is purchased, and the length of time it lasts, then it is in fact similarly priced to a lot of the other products on the market. For disclosure purposes: I am the NZ importer and distributor for Repashy products. Cheers