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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. lol I can't believe you videoed your pleco taking a dump
  2. reset the trap quick! they usually have a mate and a den full of babies on the go. If you get the mate the babies will starve (sorry little ferrets, life's tough) once you have one trapped the other is usually pretty hungry providing for the whole family and will be trapped fast
  3. mmm I probably need to refresh my carbon more often... thanks guys....
  4. does anyone else have a problem with their swamp wood staining their water? No matter what I do to the wood my water always ends up looking like wees! :evil: Doesn't bother my fish just me! If anyone knows how to eliminate the stain and keep the wood I will be forever in their debt
  5. I only get bored with water changing.....
  6. I once heard a REALLY random one - flashing your lights on and off at them. They think its lightning therefore a tropical thunderstorm = perfect time to breed. Never tried it myself but it makes me laugh thinking of people desperately psychoanalyzing their fish (no offence if you are!)
  7. on the other hand the big fish will definitely appreciate the sacrifice the little ones made...... :evil:
  8. how does the cost work out compared to an "off the shelf" model?
  9. play some Barry White? 8) I'm not sure but they don't look quite conditioned to me however ask someone like Billaney ( ) not me! Maybe some live food before you try again
  10. maybe she should be honoured to have such a delicious treat named after her people? If I was a sweet company rep I'd be going there! I always thought the shape was meant to represent a papoose? Y'know a little swaddled baby Inuit? Not a really fat adult!
  11. darkfur

    who needs a couch?

    well there's your problem. If you're on top of the tank its bound to break
  12. if you need to clean the bath I'd do it with a paste made of baking soda. Old skool way. That oughta get rid of soap residue well enough for your wee fellas.
  13. darkfur

    who needs a couch?

    2 in the morning? aren't the fish busy clubbing then
  14. darkfur

    who needs a couch?

    that's a good point, I would have soooo much more room if I got rid of my boyfriend... less money though
  15. I have serious lust issues :oops: with some of the lovely green HMs on Trademe but if I could acquire some without the shipping that would be even better......
  16. imagine if someone from here was present at the time - they'd be wondering how to get a big enough tank....
  17. darkfur

    who needs a couch?

    there's an idea - fill the house with pets and live outside!
  18. are her eyes ok? if they can't see they don't eat. I had a turtle years ago that had a vitamin deficiency and it made her eyes puffy so I had to force feed her until she improved
  19. darkfur

    who needs a couch?

    I am trying to persuade my other half that we should move a old couch of ours out onto the patio. Our patio is enclosed anyway and that couch is taking up sooooooooo much valuable wall space that could accomodate a very nice tank......
  20. the hutt valley is totally fishy... one on every street... welcome!
  21. won't be long before you have more than two swordtails
  22. chickens are addictive! I keep orpingtons too, the blues are my favourites. You have a nice one there. Splash orpingtons are neat too if you can get one. They are white with blue markings. I have a spare cockerel if anyone wants one
  23. lol the ad made them sound like tiny little sharks (possibly with lasers on their heads)
  24. think the correct website is http://www.guppydesigner.com/ freeeeeaky
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