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Everything posted by darkfur

  1. I'm setting up a bottle setup for my babies too (although they are barely visible lol). I used 3L orange juice bottles cut off where they start to taper, then drilled tiny holes in the bottom to let water and mulm through, and drilled 2 bigger holes in one side near the top. From the $2 shop clear plastic suction cup-hooks go through the bigger holes. This means I can suspend the bottles above the bottom which makes it easy to vacuum whatever falls through. The heater goes below the bottles and I made a wee airpowered filter myself out of a vitamin bottle (yes I am cheap). 8 bottles fit in a 45cm tank with room to manouevre. Have test-driven with my dad fighter and he blew bubbles so i guess he liked it. Certainly roomier than a fry isolater.
  2. darkfur

    Jebo R338

    it's such a small tank you can probably get away with it. I have mine on newspaper but that is more to make sure that it is level because I reckon that sort of tank is inclined to leak if it's not level and if there is vibration
  3. nb if they hate the airstone pop a valve in the line and turn it waaaaay down and gradually ramp it up so they can get used to it. Not a discus keeper but that's what I do with fish that don't like it
  4. marine fish and freshies have completely different systems of respiration, because marines need to take in water to excrete all that salt, whereas freshies need to get rid of a bit of water. If your cousin only keeps marines then that might account for the difference
  5. http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/42888/181/ whoa........
  6. soooo cute! my cockatiels would love to play with her
  7. I love loolies! drooool make sure there are some chocolate fish....
  8. could be something tasty around the filter
  9. live fast die young. The males mature about 6 weeks the females about 8 weeks. As breeders their fertility drops off at about a year old, the females generally live only about 2 years but the odd male makes it to the grand old age of 5. Not often, though. They are used as lab animals quite a lot on account of the quick generation time, NASA actually took eggs up to MIR and managed to hatch a few in zero-G! space quail!!!! I am a mine of info on these guys because I did a talk about them for the kids at the local library
  10. here you go just for you Caryl, enjoy
  11. that's my boyfriend's hand, he is 6'1 so it's a big hand btw :lol: just for purposes of scale
  12. here is a photo of one which is nearly full grown, this one won't end up being one of my biggest though, the white ones are often a bit small
  13. yes the males can be a bit stroppy, you can't keep males together unless they grew up from hatching together. They aren't as bad as the chinese though
  14. a fair bit chunkier, they weigh about 200g. Will just go looking for a photo of an adult to post so you can see
  15. my other half breeds them, he has heaps! my favourite is when their heads pop out of the shells like a little meerkat
  16. one of our japanese quail hatching too cute not to share!
  17. have you noticed Cadbury blocks have shrunk too? (this possibly deserves its own thread...) they have lost 50g in the process of gaining a cardboard wrapper. I for one am very disappointed :evil:
  18. darkfur

    My Fighters

    think you might find the site bettysplendens.com useful if you have not come across it already, there are some good articles about how colour and finnage genes work best of luck young scientist 8)
  19. cheers. Will definitely post some pics when the bubbies begin to look interesting
  20. not sure of age as I didn't breed him lol 200... well... probably not... made the mistake of leaving substrate in and some eggs got lost. but still plenty of babies imho
  21. bubbies still doing well, think there are about 20-30 of them have been feeding liquifry which seems to be working ok on the basis they are still alive
  22. nope just green although not a yellowy green and her fur is kind of a mousey colour
  23. check out the title of the book she's been reading
  24. I'm not sure? Not really a betta guru there's a really good site called bettysplendens.com that talks about it and I think it is a version of green
  25. and one of the girls the mother is similar but has a slightly better tail (more rays)
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