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Everything posted by Heir

  1. OR she'll never breed at all... like the one I used to have. 4 years and they never had babies
  2. Get a boy! Then you can have babies!
  3. Lmao this thead is a crack up. Ya'll are very clever
  4. Not too big for the tank as your... cat..fish... looks like it won't do much more growing. You could add some, like, mice fish? lol bird fish? I don't know.
  5. Ohhh that's an idea.. It's a hybrid, but worth a mention as they're uber popular! Nice clear pic.. similar of what I have on the site would be ideal! Let me know and I'll PM my email!
  6. Buff Sussex? or Whites? White Sussex I have Black Orpies I have too Thanks though!
  7. Hello! I know some folks on here keep chickens! So I was just wondering if anyone has an purebred birds that they have pics of? I try to have pictures of birds bred as close as possible to NZ poultry standards. Donations for my website would be greatfully received! And you would get full credits, of course! I'm after standard breeds and not bantams! Thank you muchly and just PM if you're interested!
  8. My Mum bought me goldfish when I was about 7 - this started the obsession. I blame her.
  9. Araucana cross Polish?? Sheesh, those birds are going to have some serious headgear when they grow up!
  10. Cat's damage wild life populations?... hmmm as I recall.. a single dog killed 50 something kiwi's in one night. I also don't remember the last time a pack of "pig hunting cats" chased down a woman and decided she was a chew toy. What I'm trying to say is everyone is comparing apples and oranges. Dogs and cats are completely different species with different needs and requirements. Infact, I'd almost go so far to say that individual animals have different needs and requirements. Anyway, if the cat is on your property and your dog ate it, not your fault. Cat's generally aren't containable. If a dog came on your property and injured your cat (if that happened to me, that dog would go "missing") that's not your fault and you'd expect the owners to pay for vet bills. "Expect" though, it's not law to pay... if they were financially unstable for example obviously they probably wouldn't. Plus I don't think pet insurance covers that sort of stuff.
  11. Ohhh I can't wait to see the finished product!
  12. Woops. This message was supposed to be PM'd. Haha
  13. Well, I was thinking about wrapping them in armpit hairs and posting them inside socks.
  14. Tauranga ones are SHOCKING. :roll:
  15. Awww helro! I have a friend who's looking for people to write articles targeted at Lifestyle Block/Small Holding farmers. I donate chicken articles. It's for one of NZ's most popular Rural/Farming websites. Anyone interested? Let me know! Cheers.
  16. GORR BLIMEY I'm so excited about bug catching!!!!!! I come across lots of weird bugs haha :bounce: How do you post them?
  17. Agree completely, try taking your goods to an Auction House or somewhere and see how much they charge you. My friend took some jewellery she had to sell into a Jewellers, she had one piece valued at $7500 and they said "yeah, we'll buy it, give you $1400" ummm yeah, I expect you have mark up... but come on! She signed up to TradeMe and said who cares if it costs $149 to sell! She'd still get way more for the items on there than anywhere else!
  18. Happy Birthday Kelly! And WOW you did a fantastic job
  19. :bounce: Ahem... How did you gather people on here have no lives because they have an appreciation for language and spelling etc?? Don't you use language and spelling in every day life ? :-?
  20. If you're referring to some of the spelling you see on here it's because in the late 1980's the school curriculum was changed and teachers had to start teaching "whole english" rather than focussing too much on spelling.
  21. Agreed. I'm 23 and I can relate to alot of that. Growing up in the country may play a part!
  22. OMG I can't wait to see that movie!
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