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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    More hybrids

    I don't have anything really against hybrids if they're an improvement on the original...But I DO have a lot against making ugly ass hybrids. What the hell is the point of uglifying a fish? They don't really even have something interesting about them other than being an ugly ass hybrid. I mean...Breed a goldfish to look like Blinky(3 eyed fish on the simpsons) and that's something, even if it is ugly.
  2. About 4:30am this morning the power went out. I never would have known(Except for blinking digital clocks) except wifey got up to go to the toilet and had to go in the dark. The power was only out for about an hour and a half, I checked both tanks, they were fine, all the fish seemed happy though a bit annoyed at me for shining a flashlight in their tank. So, I went back to bed happy that the fish were doing fine. About 10 wifey comes and gets me and I look in my 200L tank, there are corpses floating everywhere. Looks like I've lost all of my cardinals, I've found 7 and a few MIA. All of my rummy noses(6 found, 1 mia), both of my lampeyes, 1 lf zebra danio, 1 serpae, one black tetra(the only one) and 1 white cloud mountain minnow. All the other fish are looking pretty stressed and floating at the surface looking very unhappy. My Brazilian Puffer is looking pretty lethargic and one of the serpaes is swimming at an angle. I'd just changed the water yesterday, and just finished another water change just now. Ammonia is 0, nitrates maybe 10ish, PH 6.9. I've had the power out for longer than this without any problems before, but that's the only logical cause. That maybe this time the filter went anaerobic and dumped crap into the tank when it started up. But that doesn't make sense because the last few power outages were significantly longer and there didn't seem to be any trouble at all. Also, when I checked none of the fish seemed to be gasping for air or hanging around at the surface(Except for the ones that always hang around at the surface). So, I'm sure you can guess that I'm not in a very good mood having lost half of a tank,(Not to mention $80ish worth of fish if no more die) apparently because the damn power company thinks that power cuts every other month are ok.
  3. Sounds like what one of my Jurupari has. It definitely does leave a hole and I've had a hell of a time getting rid of it. I'm going to throw him in a hospital tank as soon as it's ready being refurbished and try treating him for a month this time. From what I've read, hole in the head holes don't heal, but one of the spots that kept getting fungused in my fish did manage to heal before the fungus came back and you'd never know it was there.
  4. I want a marine tank! Gimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimme!!!! Ok, I'm done.
  5. Ira

    Black Hair Algae

    Yep, hate is next to love, they're only seperated by loathing, dislike, apathy, like and fondness.
  6. Ira

    Black Hair Algae

    Then get rid of the discus. (Still skeptical about plecos sucking discus slime, but any fish too slow or dumb to keep a pleco from sucking on it....)
  7. If ammonia and nitrites are just below 1 then everything is definitely not in order. Your tank must still be cycling, because those won't be in order until they're 0.
  8. I don't know of any fish stores that actually sell live food anymore. Well, a few sell feeder goldfish and little biosuppliers starter cultures, but that's it.
  9. http://communitytank.aaquaria.com/ I think everyone here uses basically the same nick there as here except with NZ added.
  10. Mine pair do that occasionally too. Doesn't seem to be a symptom of anything. Might just be a fishy equivalent of twiddling their thumbs.
  11. Ira

    new tank

    I think my juruparis would ignore most tetras...Might eat the bumble bee gobies though since they're pretty tiny...If they're not quick enough. A handful of Serpaes or rummy noses, maybe?
  12. Hmmm, Focusing on marriage instead of the fish...Oooh, bad choice...
  13. Can't expect them to have the details very detailed or accurate...I'm guessing that it's in the genus ancistrus and is just another species related to bristlenoses?
  14. Daphnia will feed them for about...Oh...5 minutes.
  15. Yes! I think that's it! How it got into my pond, I can only guess a fragment was on a plant I bought and survived until I threw the plant in the pond or on a piece I trimmed and threw in the pond. You think if I tried acclimated it for a little while instead of throwing it from the cold pond into the warm tank? Ok, I'll try that.
  16. Nope, doesn't look like any of those you mentioned. Oh, I thought I'd said it was floating, not planted...I guess I need to learn that things I think at the keyboard sometimes don't make it into posts. I don't know what more of a description I can give, there's not that much to describe.
  17. Nope. No digital camera unfortunately.
  18. I'm just curious if anyone can identify a plant I've found in my pond. I'm not sure where it's come from because I didn't put it there. It grows like a green spherical puff about getting up to around 3 inches across and is made of a thin 1/2mm ish stem? that forks every couple millimeters. It's kind of an interesting little puffball, unfortunately it seems to not be able to handle warm water.
  19. Ira

    Nano Tank?!?

    Since you'd want somewhere around 10-20X the tank volume in flow per hour, I think the filter you've got will be fine, though, you don't want just a single current, you want more of a bunch of random turbulent currents going all over the place so there aren't any spots where debris collects.
  20. Ira

    retired guppies

    Keep breeding them until they croak. Nah, never had to worry about that.
  21. Ok, might as well put mine in... 440 liter 4 foot tank (Sizes wild approximation not including tail) 9" redspot pleco 7" common pleco 8" gold severum 7" gold severum 7" Green severum 2X7" Geo. Surinamensis 2X7" Geo. Jurupari 6" Silver Mystus 5" Striped Mystus 4X3" Jewel Cichlids 3" Pictus 200 liter 4 foot tank 2" Brazilian Puffer 5X Longfin Zebra Danios 8X Cardinals 2X Lampeye tetras 1X Epylatis or something dageti 4X Serpae tetras(Two different types both sold as serpaes :-? ) 7X Rummy Noses 3X Bronze cories 6X White cloud mountain minnows 100 liter 2 foot tank 13X 1-2" Bristlenoses
  22. Ira

    Indian Fern

    I think even really high humidity wouldn't be enough. I had some that had grown up around my spray bar and was sitting out of the water. The leaves that were further from the water turned black and died. Used to have heaps of it...I'm not sure where it all went, hehe.
  23. I think the concern is not going over 22° instead of it not going under 22°...If they can handle up to 28° without much trouble...Hmmm, might have to have a talk with wifey though she will be very unsupporting, I think.
  24. If it makes you feel better, Charles, I'd be eager to have some, except I'm in basically the same situation as Aqua. I don't have a coldwater tank or the room or money for one. If you thought they'd handle warmer water, say up around 24°, I might be interested in dropping the temperature of one of my tropical tanks a bit. A tank with a couple of them and a few ummm...Bullies? would be great.
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