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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    worms in water

    Haha, I clicked on that link and got distracted then came back and red the message, scrolled up to the top and thought, "Hey, when did the fishroom's logo get an oscar?!?" That board's layout is identical.
  2. Ira

    worms in water

    Wish people could learn like that. Could make heaps of money waiting outside a university graduation ceremony with a gun, van and a couple people to help put the bodies in the truck. $100 per lb of uni graduate.
  3. Ira


    I think humming is usually the ballast, isn't it?
  4. It'd depend on the fish, the size, quality, whether or not I could afford it at the time, if I had a place for the fish, etc. I'd pay $150 for a nice scarlet pleco for example. Asking how much you'd pay for a fish is kinda like asking how much you'd pay for a car. Could say I wouldn't pay more than 5K for a used econobox. But I'd pay $50K easy for a brand new nice sports car.
  5. Ira

    Climbing Kuhli

    Where do you find a cat with no legs? Right where you left it...Not up a tree, hehehe.
  6. Ira

    New Additions...

    The latin name is hypostamus gibbiceps or something like that. I'm sure about the gibbiceps. Took me ages to figure it out. The rest of the world calls them sailfin plecos or gibbiceps plecos.
  7. Ira

    White worms

    It seems like with the glass there, since a lot of them collect against the glass they're concentrated where the food is instead of down in the dirt so they eat more, grow more.
  8. You might be able to try and put a tank divider in. Otherwise, you could put all the other fish in another tank or put the gobies in another tank.
  9. Ira

    White worms

    I've been feeding mine baby cereal and brewers yeast and have it outside...Which I think may be a bit too cold for them at the moment. Little guys scream "It's cold! Bring us back inside!" every time I take the lid off to feed them.
  10. Ira

    lime in water

    Baking soda is cheap and definitely raises the PH, I'm not sure how much of an effect it has on hardness though.
  11. One of my Serpae tetras had been hugely bloated for a while and seemed to just be getting worse so today I decided to euthanize it and try and do an autopsy on it because it was the second time I'd had a serpae do something similar. So I put it in a glass and put it in the freezer to kill it then got a small knife and the camera then...Well, I didn't have a clue what to actually do with it so I just apologized to the fish and cut it down the belly then up the side on the front and near the tail to try and flip the skin up and expose the organs. My first thought was, "I have no idea what any of this stuff is." But the most obvious thing was a large solid mass that looked far too big to belong there and seemed to barely be attached to anything. But, with a fish that small I guess it wouldn't take much force to tear any tissues and vessels holding it in place. After removing the mass I still didn't recognize anything, but couldn't see anything blatantly obvious. In the upper rear section there looked to be a hollow clear organ that I thought might be the swim bladder and there was a small dark red blob I thought might be the heart, but other than that it just looked like a mess of tissue. I cut the mass open and it appeared to just be a solid pinkish mass. After showing Jo she thinks that the mass I removed probably was the swim bladder with a tumor. She says it also looks like the heart and liver were a bit enlarged. Which blob the liver is, I'm not quite sure. So, I guess the fish had cancer. Anyway, here are links to the pictures, they look a lot gorier than it actually was, the inside was a nicer looking pink(as far as guts go, I guess) than red. I think the camera decided to adjust the color balance a bit and made everything redder shown by the white cutting board the fish is on no longer being white. But, since it looks gory I'll just post the links. The fish Just after opening the fish's side The mass(Look at that focusing job, isn't it great? Too bad it's focused on the cutting board instead of the mass) Organs with the mass removed After all this I had to apologize again to the poor fishy for making such a mess of him and buried him in the usual fashion with a burial at sea, down the toilet.
  12. Ira

    trickle filter

    Trickle filters are usually just for better biological filtration, which is unimportant in a turtle tank.
  13. Ira

    Pics of my tanks

    Should be fine, I'm getting other emails. Sent it to [email protected]?
  14. Ira

    Pics of my tanks

    Just uploaded video of tank 15 seconds, 3 megs Camera does videos too, he's definitely not getting it back. Hehe, The dog ate your camera, sorry.
  15. Ira

    Pics of my tanks

    Ummm...Where do you think I've got them, Pegasus? They're already ON my webspace, I just haven't got a webpage full of links to the files and unlike some servers you can't just view the directory.
  16. Ira

    Pics of my tanks

    They are all in one place. But Paradise doesn't allow anyone to just view the directory they're in...Unless there's a way I can change that, but it doesn't look like it.
  17. I just borrowed my father in law's digital camera...I'd just like to say, Canon Powershot G2's kick ass! I don't think I'm going to give the camera back, hehehe. So, here are the pics, I'll just link to them, I think. All of these are downsized from 2000ishX2000ish. HUGE pic of gold severum 750K My 200L tank My 400L tank My redspot pleco Geophagus Jurupari Jewels green Severum Gold Severum geophagus surinamensis yawning Geo. Surinam. again A group photo #1 A group photo#2 A group photo#3 A group photo#4 My little brazilian puffer I think wifey might have sprained one of her eyes from rolling them at me for taking pics of the tanks. I've got about 60 of them now, but most are blurry, still need to figure some things out about taking pics in tanks. It's not easy.
  18. Just emailed Bruce asking about them and if he minds shipping them. I really shouldn't spend money on more fish at the moment, but I'm guessing he won't want too much for them so I may be naughty... Tomorrow I may go have a chat with the lady that runs a Paws and Claws and see if she'll let me have alook at her fishlists, see how much she'd get me some more unusual plecos for. She got me my puffers and is very willing to be helpful, but really knows nothing about fish.
  19. Ira


    I haven't noticed any damage to plants that could be caused by bristlenoses except when I had a 6" male that'd rush around the tank uprooting plants. In comparison, my redspot seem to be a lot more graceful when he moves around. But, we're talking about 8" of gracefully bowl through anything with 10 grit sandpaper skin.
  20. No idea what killed the first one. All I found of him was his backbone with his pectoral fin bones and some cheek spikes attached. Maybe I've got a case of Ancistrus Croakiosis? Could be the nitrates have been slowly creeping up over the last couple months since I moved heaps more tetras into the tank and because the nitrate test kit was bad I didn't have a clue? Anyway, I'll change the water tomorrow and tuesday and get a new nitrate test kit when I can.
  21. That would make all 3 dead within about the last month. The first one, a male, died in the rocks and I didn't find it until about 2 weeks ago, then the other male died about a week ago, I tested the nitrates and everything and it all showed up fine, no ammonia, no nitrates, PH 7.0ish. Today I found the female dead in the plants while doing a water change. Tested the nitrates again and it comes out to something like 100. I'm not sure I trust the test though, I think it might have gone bad. Previous times I've tested another tank that usually sits around 60ish by water change time was coming out 0 despite having no plants or anything, and I'm skeptical that this tank with only about 2 dozen tetras managed to suddenly get the nitrates up 100 ppm in a week. So, if the 100 is accurate I'm guessing that's what killed the last two off and it was probably caused by the first bristlenose dying and rotting in the rocks? Anyone in the Wellington area got a handful of small bristlenoses they're willing to sell?
  22. Ira


    since the address is .nl, it's definitely not nz. Netherlands?
  23. Derek something I think his name is in the Upper Hutt club has a bunch of jewels.
  24. Check MAF's website. Should have what you need somewhere.
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