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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I'm reminded of the buttfish thread...I think it was on Reefcentral...
  2. You could try a : scwd a sea swirl a hydor aquaflo an ocean motion 4 way Oceans Motions 8 way Oceans motions squirt Oceans motions super squirt
  3. Ira

    HELP flat worms???

    Finish them off. Hah! FInish a few more off maybe... You'll never be rid of them. You have to just keep killing them and killing them and killing them. THey're like aptaisia...
  4. Plant the plants better and get some fish that aren't wimps and can handle a little current.
  5. There's no such thing as too much current.
  6. Ira


    Heh, I find snails outside one of my FW tanks all the time. I even found a snail a couple feet away from the tank sitting in some condensation on a window sill.
  7. I'd love to know how you expect three 18 watt to match even a single metal halide let alone two. Fifty watts versus 300? Those flouros work fine for just lighting a tank. Pretty well, actually, but they don't quite cut it for plants on anything but a shallow tank.
  8. Ira

    dosing virgin

    I have to say, the content of this thread is far less interesting than I was hoping for given the uhh...Naughty sounding title.
  9. Ira

    Setting up

    No, your power bill doesn't go up just because you have saltwater in the tank. Now if you have heaps of pumps, skimmer, metal halides it does. Try telling us what equipment you're planning and we can tell you, "Yes, you're using something additional so it will cost more."
  10. Ira

    Reef development

    Too bad it's overrun by SPS.
  11. Over winter sure. Spring and fall if you have fans blowing across the water to cool by evaporation, sure. Summer, Not likely.
  12. *Splash* AHh! My water broke! Awww, isn't it adorable? A little baby cod! (Guy trapped in window seat next to you) You are one sick puppy, dude.
  13. Mine, I haven't made it in ages, is about the same. But with some vitamin pills ground up and mixed in and some flour to hold it together.
  14. Ira


    Ow, my eyeears.
  15. First build a quarantine facility, second petition maf and pay for an environmental impact study, third, repetition because the first time it was rejected, fourth get the fish rejected again because they think it will become a pest if it gets into New Zealand waterways, fifth, fly to Australia, buy the fish, stuff it down your pants and smuggle it back to NZ.
  16. Crushed coral should work fine. Bird grit might be cheaper though.
  17. Ira


    Sure, you could do that if you want to make your overflow more complicated, noisy, risky and expensive than it needs to be.
  18. Yeah, that definitely sounds like planaria, Nic. About as thick as a hair and an inch or so long. Quit overfeeding and they'll go away.
  19. They only way is to tie them to a large rock or piece of wood. That way they stay put so the severums can eat them.
  20. Should work fine, seems a bit of a waste of time though. I'd probably just go with a bunch of sponges and then some bio media. I'd say one big sponge, but that might be a bit tough to remove and replace without splashing everywhere. Or a big mat of filter wool instead of sponges.
  21. Acetone is toxic, but it evaporates very easily and completely. I'm not sure if you're right if it's in acid cure silicone, I don't know. You don't usually use silicone in a full tank anyway, you give it time to cure for at least a few days and by then there wouldn't be any acetone left.
  22. Where do you find a fish with no fins? Right where you left him. :lol: Sorry. I'd blame the electric yellows too.
  23. Ira


    That'd be cool. Thanks.
  24. Ira


    My Sebae clown did almost the same thing. Happy and healthy as far as I could tell, go out for groceries, come back an hour later, dead.
  25. Ira


    Man, Suphew, if I'd known you were that bored I'd have suggested you get into your tank with some tweezers and catch me some pods to I can try to get a population going to replace the ones that were completely wiped out in my tank.
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