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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Making a hobby a business is a great way to ruin your hobby.... That's why you make your second favorite hobby your business.
  2. Yes! Geophagus surinamensis! Love them!
  3. Blue acaras are nice. Definitely no discus! It's hard to judge if fish are nice from how they are in the fish store, of course. How about go to Redwood or call them. They've got heaps of good stuff, or did last weekend. Like a couple polypterus. I would have bought them if I had somewhere for them.
  4. Yup, I found that too. If you don't have to lug everything up the beach to your car it probably doesn't make a difference, but the 20s are just a bit easier to handle.
  5. My setup cost me about $10 total. Basically same setup as Duke. Generator I already had so it cost me 0, got the PJ5000 pond pump free, and piping cost me maybe $10. Don't use it anymore, I've gone to ASW.
  6. Ira

    Is this daphnia?

    Can't say without a much better picture than that. But if they're actually running on the bottom or anywhere, then no. Daphnia don't have legs to run. All they have are two antenna they use as to swim around.
  7. Ira

    Oh No!!

    He's obviously never browsed the saltwater forum...
  8. Ira

    Oh No!!

    The tank being slightly off level is only going to put a tiny amount of extra force on the low side. It's only going to be the weight of the extra 1/4" of water which is going to be...Ummm... A pound or two? Don't worry about it.
  9. I'm not particularly impressed with my MCE600. But maybe only because I have nothing to compare it to. Hey, Steve, I'll volunteer for the comparison. Mine whistles quite a bit, but that's the only noise it makes.
  10. With a sump like you have, Jude, it's just easier to run it submerged. Just drop it in the water in the sump and run a hose to the tank. Otherwise you'd have to do something like run a hose out of the sump, to the pump then from the pump back to the tank. Why make it more complicated than necessary?
  11. Unless you either are planning on importing for commercial purposes or just enjoy spending way more money than is reasonable, you're better off buying from someone who already has a quarantine facility set up. I've heard of a couple people that have tried and it cost them something like $10K+ I'm sure Jetskisteve or Alois would be happy to sell to you if you ask nicely.
  12. Ira


    I did/do sort of. Not so much a fuge now as a sump full of liverock, used to be full of macroalgae but I did a big cut back and it hasn't grown back. Need to replace its lights though.
  13. Caper, they're in with guppies, rummy noses, silver tips, cardinals, blue rams, bristlenoses, black phantoms and...Ummm...A golden plec. Keri, I'm not sure how big they get, I've read 6", but mine seems to be staying around 2". He's in a 400X400X900 tall tank.
  14. They puff up full of food if you feed them enough, look like they swallowed a marble. He also puffed up when he got sucked up in the siphon. Once I pushed on his face to get him back out of it and he plopped down into my hand he puffed up. After I tossed him back in the tank and he floated around like he was deadfor a few seconds he let out a big burp of air and shrunk back down.
  15. Brazilian puffers are freshwater and are about the least aggressive of the all puffers. Mine is in a community tank and other than the occasional nipped tail which I can't actually say was him there's no signs of aggression. I've had him for a year and had two before this current on(*Sniff* power outages ) and they never were aggressive or nippy either. Usually they're a bit of a pain to feed, my previous two only ate brine shrimp, blood worms, snails or live food. But my current one eats flake, pleco chips and just about everything.
  16. Ira

    Anenemie question

    In my case it's because something's killed all but 3 corals, my anemone and my fish. Tank's been pretty much in a constant state of "Crashed" for the last 7 months.
  17. Ira

    Anenemie question

    And the current in your tank will probably blow chunks of it all over the tank...At least that's what happened with my favorite finger leather yesterday.
  18. I doubt it, not most parrots at least...And anyway, how can a drowned parrot eat a cory?
  19. Just pull him out of the tank, tie a little eye patch over his eye, teach him to say, "Arrr, Ahoy Mateys!" and toss him back in. He'll be fine.
  20. Ira

    1000L tank

    If you've ever broken a tank by banging on it to get the fish to move, Yup. Bonus points if you were yelling "NEEEMOOOO!" at the time. :lol:
  21. Does it have an O-ring around the top of the cannister that you have to make sure hasn't fallen out? My eheim's a pain like that because it's awkward holding it in place as you put the top on.
  22. Sure there is sucking, your way sucks , you could just give a quick suck on the hose and it'll suck water into the cannister instead of trying to pour watter down the hose and if you suck at that spilling all over. That'd suck and then you'd have a damp smelly sucky carpet which would have been avoided if you'd just sucked on the hose. :lol:
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