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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Has there ever been? Almost without fail when I have something shipped from auckland by "Next day" courier it takes two nights to get here. Every time something's been sent by NZ post it's been here the next morning.
  2. That's it! You're no longer allowed to have a marine tank! :evil:
  3. Why would the sunlight be a problem? The more the better as long as the tank doesn't overheat! Sunlight's the best lighting you can get. It's free!
  4. Nah, loads of people do it without hurting themselves every day. Loads+a few try to do it every day.
  5. Ok, so you don't have power tools, but you can't use hand tools to do it? Are there tools you use with your feet that I've never heard of? Use a hacksaw.
  6. Remove the flesh from the mussells.
  7. 1000? Pfft, lightweight... :roll: Hehehe. :lol:
  8. You're still not a native. Your ancestors weren't here when NZ split off from Australia. (Or wherever NZ split off of)
  9. I think MAF should ban the import of humans into the country. I mean, they breed quickly, are extremely difficult to eradicate, bring all kinds of parasites, diseases and other invasive animals with them. And look at the millions of acres of New Zealand forest and wildlife destroyed by them!
  10. Hey, Wasp. I think you need to do some more work in your tank so you can break a few frags off. Then mail them to me.
  11. Don't let MAF(Or would it be DOC?) know about it. They'll fine you for posessing undersized paua. :lol:
  12. Ira

    looky loooky

    WARNING THIS POST IS PUT IN AS A JOKE. IT IS DANGEROUS TO DO THIS. FNZAS MODERATOR If you set up the UV right, yes it will kill snails. Remove the housing from around the UV lamp so it's shining everywhere and run it on top of your tank or submerged in the tank instead of pumping the water through it. That will kill all the snails in your tank. And your fish. And your plants. And give you cataracts.
  13. No, they're nothing like metal halides. They're probably incandescents. Either way they won't be very good.
  14. Surprising it only toook 4 days given that they obviously threw it on a truck that got lost and ended up driving in circles...
  15. Euro bracing is the horrible pain in the ass bracing where it's all wrapped around the inner edge of the glass making it impossible to get most filter outlets onto the tank and any cords for powerheads/heaters start down very obtrusively deep out in midwater instead of nice and hidden at the back.
  16. I think all you'll need are just new ballasts and new bulb holders.
  17. Doesn't it? I don't know you'd call rain, but the whole water being heated, evaporated then condensing when it cools sounds a lot like distillation to me.
  18. Or you could just use glass lids that don't sag, are cheaper and don't need a lip for reinforcement...
  19. Ira

    ID this Anemone

    Looks to me more like it's starving to death so the tentacles have shortened.
  20. I seriously doubt it. Not long term anyway. Nothing local seems to survive normal temps for long.
  21. There was a guy that built a 10,000 gallon marine tank in his basement. Apparently he had to tear it down because the humidity was rotting his house.
  22. AFAIK you can't get any tropical sharks in NZ. Maybe you could catch some local ones and put them in a coldwater tank.
  23. My topup switch is a $20 float switch, a relay and enclosure from Jaycar for about $30 and a few plugs and wires from DSE for about $5. Oh, and a 12v wall wart I already had. Seems pretty reliable so far, but if you want to put it on a timer for 5 min a day that would be extra insurance and cheaper than a second high level relay switch.
  24. Ira


    You better stop it. It'll go blind and get hairy fins if it keeps doing it all by itself! (That's a joke in case that needs to be said)
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