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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Bettas are air breathers, so just because a fish that can breath air can survive out of water for 2-3 hours(Assuming it doesn't dry out) doesn't mean your average fish will.
  2. I'd imagine a bit of bird grit in the filter would raise the alkalinity and PH and that should help stop any holes and hel them heal.
  3. Ira

    t5, t8 bulbs

    T8s are 8 eighths of an inch diameter, T5s are 5 eights inch diameter, T12s are 12 eights of an inch diameter...Anyone seeing a pattern? If it's skinnier than normal it's a T5.
  4. Ira

    Dither Fish?

    Severums are not aggressive.
  5. The Ira thinks that theconch's silver shark looks like a tankbuster.
  6. I've heard piano wire suggested, but any old razor should work.
  7. You're nuking it too long, you're just trying to sink it, not make soup.
  8. 160l will be far more than enough for them. I've had several hundred of them in a tank that size... Man, I hate pearl gouramis...
  9. Chop it into thumb sized pieces, put it in an appropriate container, nuke it for a few minutes until well boiled. Throw it in the tank. Then it sinks.
  10. So...What eats them here if nothing eats them? Because I haven't noticed them swarming everywhere.
  11. Ira

    Wierd tank cycle

    I kinda doubt that... Bacteria starve to death from no ammonia. Their dying creates ammonia, surviving bacteria eat it. Bacteria don't die, ammonia=0.
  12. Easiest way, imo, would be to go to the pet shop, pick up some artificial sea salt and at least a hydrometer, better a refractometer. Then just siphon some water out of the tank into a bucket, toss in a handful of salt, mix it up and pour it back in. Repeat every day until you reach the right salinity.
  13. Ira

    Can anyone help me

    Not including the skimmer and stuff, just the tank itself? Probably less than $100. Mine was $120 and is quite a bit bigger than that. Oh, just noticed it looks like you've got a bunch of holes in the partitions. Are you going to have them glass partitions or perspex? Glass...I think the average rate per hole drilled is $10-20. 7 holes=$70-140. So could be $170-$240.
  14. The Ira says - Assuming you're wanting just to identify them? Anemones have larger longer tentacles than soft coral polyps. Anemones have mouths. Not sure if there are any soft corals with mouths. Anemones don't have the hard calcium needles through their body that even most soft corals have. Anemones can walk.
  15. Heh, HaNs, it's not hard at all to feed whiteworms. Step 1: wet food. Step 2: throw on dirt. Doesn't get much easier than that. Even the type of food really isn't particularly important. Mine did well on wet bread.
  16. I agree. Very unlikely such a simple device as a heater is going to be multiple voltage compatible. If you plug that 40w 120v heater into NZ 240v power then it would be producing 80 watts. I don't THINK that should cause a problem, I doubt it would get hot enough to start a fire but I wouldn't risk it without doing some testing first and it's your house and life at risk.
  17. Ira

    Filter Hoses

    Yes, you can use any type of hose as long as it's the same size and fits the connections tightly.
  18. And the hardness buffers against PH change, which is good.
  19. Yup, the brazilian puffer is fine, he's in a different tank. I'm going to move the 10 pearl gouramis and mess of bristlenoses in our bathroom tank into the cichlid tank and decommission that one, I think. Or maybe leave it running with the heater off as a snail tank. I dunno.
  20. Ira

    filter flow rate

    Ok, yeah, you're not likely to get much more than 1X turnover.
  21. So last time I went to the US I lost almost all the corals in my marine tank. This time, the marine tank's fine. Except the Sunday night after we left the 404 running on my 440L SA cichlid tank the spray bar, which had been fine for years, came off so it wasn't airating the tank anymore. And a clump of java moss that had been sitting in the same place for 2-3 weeks moved(Or was moved) and clogged the 403. So it wasn't airating the tank any more. Housesitter didn't know until he got home from work late Monday. Death toll was two 8"ish Geophagus Jurupari, One 9"ish Surinamensis, two 9"ish Gold Severums. So, I'm down to 2 green Sevs and a gold. One of the Jurupari that died was one that was one of the first batch of fish I bought and I'm not sure if the one surviving gold is the other original fish or not(I could only tell by comparing them) Seriously, Why can't I go on a trip without everything dying?
  22. Ira

    filter flow rate

    Probably not. You didn't mention what volume your tank is. I'm guessing 400ish-800ish liters. But if you're using the cannister as a return pump you'll be losing probably the majority of the flow because it will be working agains a meter or more head. So it will probably end up somewhere under 1000 LPH. If you use it as it's intended and use a seperate return pump from the sump then it should be good.
  23. There's nothing magical about T5s that makes them only work for marines. They're just normal fluorescent tubes. And the Marine white bulbs should work fine too.
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