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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I prefer the definition: "A measure of the energy in a system unavailable to do useful work and tends to decrease the organisational order of the system."
  2. I still think someone needs to name their cat "Entropy"
  3. Hmph...I say something, lmsmith basically repeats what I say and then gets all the credit! :evil: Hahaha :lol:
  4. You could, but you'd probably get better returns on your thousands of dollars by buying a boat to go fishing with. There's a reason fish aren't farmed in fish tanks.
  5. Sounds dyed. Seriously doubt they're GM, haha.
  6. Doesn't matter if the wires get wet, they're covered with insulation. Actually, the filters probably would be fine completely submerged I'm pretty sure the motors and everything up top are all sealed up, but might void your warranty, I accept no responsibilty etc disclaimer fine print and so on...
  7. I'd be surprised if there weren't a few packs of feral dogs around.
  8. That sounds about fully stocked there. All those fish are pretty much fine with anything that won't eat them.
  9. What? Could you speak up? I didn't quite hear that?
  10. Too bad he couldn't have done something interesting or worth looking at though.
  11. You can't blame a filter for poor installation or losing parts.
  12. Why change? You're not upgrading. Just spending money replacing a perfectly good filter with another perfectly good equivalent filter. Oh and... Hahaha...So naive... :lol:
  13. Unless the area is completely stagnant the surface of the heater probably won't even get hot. The water around it even less so. Next time your tank heater is on stick your hand in the water and grab it. I've done it with my heaters. Of course, as you're holding the heater the glass starts to heat up so don't hang on for too long.
  14. As long as you have a heater in it the actual location in a well insulated room isn't going to be significant.
  15. Yeah, that's an ok deal. Most of that stuff most long time fishkeepers have laying around in a closet somewhere and would just give you if you happened to be visiting. But $100 isn't much money for it.
  16. Ira


    250 watts of metal halides uses pretty similar an amount of power to 250 watts of T5s.
  17. You feed it whatever it wants to eat.
  18. It's too bad heaters don't have some kind of device in them to turn them off once the temperature reaches a certain point. What could we call it? A heatoswitch, maybe?
  19. Ira


    Lamp specialists I think should. A lot of general lighting shops might be able to get some for you. Electrical suppliers...
  20. It's anzac day? Hmmm...Wonder if I get time and a half and a day in lieu for working today?
  21. An extra 100 units...That's at about $.18ish per unit...Heh, So, an $18/month increase is shot up? My bill is usually around $300, I use 1000-1500 units a month. I have two medium sized tanks. I figure those two when it's really cold use about $75/month in electricity.
  22. I'm thinking more like a fat archaeopteryx.
  23. Someone needs to genetically engineer kiwis to have claws and big teeth so they can defend themselves. But, I guess that poses a whole other dilema...
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