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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Tiny Cichlid

    I think the smallest relatively common cichlids are apistogrammas. Otherwise maybe you're thinking of Kribensis? They have some rosyness to them.
  2. Not exactly a shining endorsement there. Hahaha...
  3. Ira

    beach sand

    It was an extremely difficult and involved process... Step 1: Put sand in a bucket Step 2: Put water in the bucket Step 3: Stir sand in bucket Step 4: Pour water out Step 5: Repeat 3-4 times :lol: It's not that big of a deal, especially if afterwards you put the sand into the tank before filling it with water.
  4. Ira

    beach sand

    I have beach sand from Eastbourne in one of my tanks. It's good. No noticable amount of PH changing from shells, none noticable in it. Doesn't clog the filters or anything.
  5. Ira


    Yup, those definitely are rocks.
  6. What are you doing out of the kitchen woman? Get back in there and make me a pie!
  7. I mostly do. I use either Ira NZ for overseas sites or TwoHedWlf. So that limits the number I have to remember.
  8. Shovels also can be operated by girls.
  9. Ira

    Tank too hot!

    I've been tempted to get a good laboratory type thermometer as a known accurate temperature just for comparison. I had an aquaone(iirc) thermometer that I accidentally drowned so I took it apart. I think I remember there being a trim pot or two in it, I wonder if it can be used to calibrate the thermometer?
  10. Fence posts are about $15 each, a shovel is about the same, 1m wide wire netting is about $4/meter. It's not that expensive to bang something together if you put your mind to it. Though, I've seen someone complain about how her cat keeps having kittens because she can't afford to get her fixed while playing with her $500 PDA. :roll:
  11. I'm a huge fan of Individual Retirement Accounts and the Irish Republican Army.
  12. Quick, get a video camera! People pay money for that sort of thing.
  13. Things like this are why animals shouldn't be allowed to roam.
  14. Ira

    Tank too hot!

    Soo...The tank is too hot with the heater in it. You remove the heater and it cools off. I dunno, seems to me like you either need to adjust the heater or it's broken. You're not using the useless temperature marks on the side of the heater are you?
  15. Ira

    Tank too hot!

    Sounds like it's either faulty or you need to let it adjust to the water temp longer. All mine hold the temp within a degree or so.
  16. Seems like people are dropping babies everywhere lately... http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/natural_parenting.png http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Kris/accident.png Bleah, stupid tiny image limit.
  17. I see your XXX rated mantis orgy and raise you a family friendly cicada...
  18. I see your spiders and dragonfly and raise you (Unless I miscounted) 54 aphids... Once wifey lets me play with the new camera I'll try and get some new pics...
  19. Ira

    Tank too hot!

    Why did you have your heater set over 28° to start with? Just set it at a lower temperature.
  20. Another option is buy a point and shoot. Won't beat a good dslr with a good macro lense of course, but they can frequently beat a dslr with a standard lense. And you have a more portable camera than a DSLR as a bonus. Any excuse to post some of my pics.
  21. Hmmm...Don't think you need to backflush RO membranes or that you can even do it without damaging them. The 80% waste water is constantly cleaning the membrane. Yes, you should be able to easily plumb it in your current setup.
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