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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I don't use volumes at my work, but I guess there are advantages to paying attention in school when you're 12 and they're going over basic geometry.
  2. Ira

    Oh dear..

    I leave my nets at home lying around all over the place.
  3. Nope, there is no blue in that picture.
  4. True or false? There are blue, green and purple spirals in this picture.
  5. Haha, Yeah, most people in the US think of squirrels about the same as kiwis think of rats and possums.
  6. Local Hobby Shop. Fishkeeping is a hobby. $38 isn't that bad really.
  7. Maybe they are both males and it's still spawning behavior. I've had that happen before with my fish.
  8. Why does everyone always treat my name like an acronym?
  9. Since you got a budgie and named it Bud I think the only logical name for a conure is Connor(Or Connie if it's a female)
  10. There's also a much more powerful and flexible program built into windows under the start menu and accessories. It's named "Calculator"
  11. My neighbors have children. Random screaming and repeated "MUMMAY MUMMAY MUMMAY MUMMAY MUMMAY"...At least I can go inside and close the door and it cuts most of it out.
  12. I just remembered this pic I took in my garden a couple years ago...
  13. Canon SX120is. It doesn't have interchangable lenses. It can focus down to something like 10 mm, iirc. When the stick insect kept crawling up on the lense its feet were just barely out of focus.
  14. The lesser of two weevils... Yeah, I've been playing with my camera...
  15. What's horrible about them? As long as you don't try and step on them barefoot or something they're harmless. They're just little pincushions that like crashing around the bush.
  16. That's what has always kinda grossed me out about banana bread. I like it, but I don't like that it's made with rotting bananas.
  17. It's a giant ipod touch.
  18. The iphone, blackberrys(ies?)and huge variety of similar devices would argue otherwise...
  19. Blue damsels are one of the few fish you're likely to see someone posting on a messageboard... Found my blue damsel stuck to the powerhead intake this morning.
  20. Install an overflow comb and USE the overflow. Put your cannister filters intakes in it if you don't want to connect them to the bottom of the overflow.
  21. Ira

    Lighting FAQ

    More suitable than what? Than a ballast that's doing what it's intended for and is working properly? Maybe you could pull it apart, replace the ballasts with more expensive higher quality ballasts, cut some ventilation holes, put in a couple fans for circulation...And then you'll end up with cheap working light that you've made likely less reliable, uglier and more expensive. The cases get hot, that's how they dissipate heat it's working as intended.
  22. Aren't you guys glad it's fixed? You nearly mist it...............
  23. Ira

    Lighting FAQ

    I wouldn't worry about fire risk from a hot case. If you can put your hand on it for a second or two it's probably around 60° or so. Paper doesn't burn until over 200°, wood is in the region of 280°c or more. If the case is hot enough to start a fire your hand would probably stick to it. The majority of the heat in the case is likely from the ballasts, but there will be a huge difference in temperatures due to airflow and ballast efficiency.
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