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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Nah, Rosellas don't have that strong of beaks. They'll just take off chunks of skin, nothing to worry about like the bigger parrots.
  2. I dunno how hard it would be...My rosella does her "dooot dooot dooot" call when the microwave beeps or someone whistles on the tv...So they can't be too demanding.
  3. Mealworms are pretty easy for live food. But easiest would probably be to feed them pieces of chicken. Mine would eat practically anything I dumped in the tank, I gave them leftovers all the time.
  4. Polyethylene foam is a more flexible foam, possibly the one you're meaning?
  5. I don't know if it's a brand name or not, but styrofoam is short for polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene. Polystyrene is a type of plastic that is occasionally foamed, but is also one of the more common plastics used for things like forks, cups and billions of other plastic items that are not foamed.
  6. My money is on the midge larvae coming from midges. Unless my entire understanding of animal reproduction is flawed... Free fish food. :bounce:
  7. It is now what is known as "Wet". Put shake the water aff and plug it in.
  8. Doesn't matter how often you do water changes if one of them is done with contaminated water. What is your water source?
  9. I'd be skeptical of cleaning the filter doing it 2 weeks later. The ammonia would have climbed enough to cause problems in a couple days, or the bacteria would have build back up in far less than 2 weeks. I've forgotten to plug my filter back in for a couple days and there still was no detectable ammonia. A LOT of the bacteria is on substrate and surfaces in the tank. I think you're ignoring a more obvious and recent possibility.
  10. Wellington everything goes through x-rays on all flights.
  11. What do you think is in citrus fruit like Lemons? Vinegar's the cheapest and most easily available acid in large volumes, much safer to use than hydrochloric.
  12. They usually do. But there are probably dozens of subspecies that are sold as rainbow sharks and likely variation within them.
  13. If it returns BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!
  14. Dear mods, please change Phoenix's nick to Mrs D. Obvious.
  15. Yeah, a little dot near the tail is so much easier and obvious than the 4 big waving red fins that rainbows have that redtailed black sharks don't. RTBS have black fins, rainbows have red.
  16. Only the big fish. The small ones just dart around under the floating cube eating the bits that drop off as it defrosts.
  17. Remove from container, drop in fish tank. I don't see much point in doing any more than that for most people.
  18. Ice scrapers are not made of steel. They're made of copper or brass which is softer than glass. So dents shouldn't cause them to scratch glass, they're intended to scrape dirty snow and ice off car windshields without scratching them.
  19. I wonder how a metal ice scraper would work? I'm pretty sure their blade is softer than glass so shouldn't scratch.
  20. I wouldn't bother with anything from a pet shop. And definitely wouldn't use any kind of kitchen cleaner or similar. Why would the tank have soap scum in it? Soap would probably kill any fish. Vinegar should be fine. Mostly, I just use elbow grease and water. I've dumped a handful of chlorine powder in a bucket and cleaned a tank with that. Basically a bleach solution if you're worried about disease.
  21. Most people have feet and legs built in...
  22. I saw it before both of you! Seems expensive, but you'd probably pay more for a full an adult of either one in a pet store.
  23. Mix 8 grams rust and 3 grams aluminum powder, put in spider cage and light. May, hopefully, get rid of horrible nasty spider.
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