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Ant N

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Everything posted by Ant N

  1. After ten years(only) of smoking ,burning through 40 a day I stopped cold turkey, I just decided I had enough and stopped. (girlfriend at the time helped take my mind of it ) When YOU make the decision and, WANT to stop you will.
  2. Hope it all goes well. :bounce: How did the ply work out? And what was your flat mates reactions?
  3. Yes, we do have a lot to be grateful for, living in NZ. There is still the opportunity for normal "Joe Blow" to hunt, fish and grow to feed the family. I hope the selling off of public/maori land and the strengthening of the "anti-fun" brigade doesn't ruin the special place we have.
  4. My boomerang is like my youthful good looks, my wealth and my virginity...they just wont come back
  5. YES..good result!! 4-2 to the good guys!! Another game on Monday, this time the cow tippers from the Tron. By the way "soccer" is what the kids play, adults call it "football"
  6. Enzoom, if you ever need a hand with the rabbits, I know a responsible .22 fan that would love to help. Subsonics with silencer are very quiet. Do you eat them?
  7. Ira, At my club it costs $2 to hire a club rifle for the night plus $5 range fees and $6 ammo, total $13 for 50 rounds of smile,(or grimace of frustration!) No FAL required because you are under supervision all the time. We have four clubs in the Auckland area, so there is a lot of interest. I was lucky to get some hunting down around Gisbourne before New Years, Brought home a Fallow stag, Yumm, venison in the freezer. Saw my oldest shoot his first goat with his own 22. Special times.Cool.
  8. $12 for adults under 15 $7 (I think) I'll be there with my horns. Go the West!
  9. Are there any other rifle shooters out there? I have a CZ .22 that I love. Target shooting every week and the fun never goes away! I got to try a muzzle loader .50 cal. on the weekend.. cool! ( .308 and .30-06 too)
  10. My 17 yr old is a keeper, has played there since midgets. he's pretty sharp..but I think all goal keepers have rocks in thier heads! IMHO Good luck to Waitakere United tomorrow against the rivals from Auck. City..we will need all the luck we can get. Anyone not too busy ..the kick off is at 3pm at Douglas Field, Henderson.
  11. Barrie, you have the wisdom of your age...Stella, how did you get so wise, so young? LOL We bought our first house with a 100% loan (deposit was borrowed from same bank) $90K, now the mortage is over $200K , With ACC,GST and other Tax , plus growing teenagers I spend everything ,and then more, that I earn. Going backwards ...and down hill! (we dont have Sky...we have pets instead) The kiwi way seems to be..work..spend...borrow...party..borrow..holiday..borrow..then die..let someone else take care of the debt. Sad maybe?
  12. Cool 8) . Had a mate with a 402 BB in a XJ6 , cruze real well!We have a pair of unused Chrome Rocker covers here if you are interested?
  13. Thanks everyone. The support from friends and family has been humbling. And very heartwarming. I made an error and no one has pointed the finger ,just hope the other driver gets over the shock of it and my insurance comes to the party. Anyway.. Merry Christmas every one..hope the New Year is kind to you(us) all!
  14. I didn't look properly and pulled out in front of an oncoming car on SH16 at about 6:30 Fri. morning. Probably wrote off both hers and my cars. Spent up till 4:30 in the afternoon flat on my back with a hard collar fitted in Nth Shore Hospital, X-rays and Scanned, finally sent home (nothing serious injured) but scary anyway. My wife stayed with me all day in there. I love her. The staff were wonderfull, Thank you to them all. Morphine takes a few shots to start working! I hope the weekend passes with out drama., I am pleased the other driver was not hurt.
  15. With dreams like yours, Stella, you need to look at those wild mushrooms a bit closer..before you eat them!LOL PS all I have are dreams...I'm Married!
  16. Hats off to you...thank you. Brother in law is in Avionics at Whenuapai.(loves it) he just got back from support mission overseas.(Lots of sand apparently)
  17. What do they mean "deep underwater" How deep? Most recreational diving is quite shallow, ie. less than 20m
  18. Cool Ryan, I'd hate to pay for that ammo! (as a tax payer...maybe I do! LOL) What is that emblem on your sleeve?
  19. Yes its True....onTV Sun. a show called Nick Bakers Weird Creatures, they had horned lizards from Arizona(I think) shooting blood as a defence against coyotes from their eyes...bizzare but way cool!
  20. "Green Stuff" used like "Batts" but made from polyester.. got mine free..off cuts from a builder, still have some. Pick it up.
  21. Gidday to the forum. Our dog has "sensitive stomach" food, do you have same maybe?
  22. In the meantime ,you could look up your local Small Bore Target club or Sporting rifle club and give that a go.Crack of a .22 and smell of gunpowder...cool
  23. 15 is fine if you are under supervision. I've had my 12yr old daughter shooting my rifle, and air rifles too.
  24. airsoftauckland.co.nz for information.
  25. Enjoy christmas more this year..give away the cat!
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