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Everything posted by SparkyNat

  1. if i have any locusts that are too big for my beardie i just feed them 2 my oscars and jags, they love them funny they always fight over the head
  2. Yip, just sent another one back.
  3. I buy my insects from alien4, she sends great and slightly amusing info sheets with them so easy as to care for them and they stay alive and healthy for ages 2. I keep the mealworms in lettuce and bran. And the locusts in a tank with a heat source, water, glass and sticks. Funny as most people think i keep insects as pets when they see them set up by the beardy tank.
  4. They are both around the 25cm mark.
  5. Put my 2 fire eels in together finally and have been watching for the past couple of days and expecting the worst (full on fighting). But no these 2 have decided to start sleeping in the same cave together and are happy with each other as far as i can tell. So im very happy
  6. i have 2 jags in with 5 oscars and havent had any problems. 3 oscars are fully grown 2 others are about 10cm and the jags are 15cm and 12cm no fighting as yet. I havent had any experience with the others though.
  7. The guy who had him before me just fed him mealworms and wax moths so hes been spoilt i think now i have 50 locusts that are geting to big for him to eat, oh well the fish love them. Im just trying different things i can find small crickets outside and it gets a couple of mealworms 2. Any other ideas what to feed him?
  8. Yip its currently getting fed twice a day, not keen on the locusts though
  9. My beardy arrived this week so have been having fun watching its so funny running round quiet a character really have had a few laughs at the random things it does. So i took some photos tonight a poser for sure
  10. Hi and welcome from another dunedin member.
  11. I got one of those a few weeks ago now, mine was $79 and its nuts it charges at everyone and everything when they come near its rock
  12. Was it hard to get a white oscar to that size? I have 2 here and both times they have died, and the ones they have got in the pet shop have also died or looked really sick compared to the black tiger oscars
  13. What do you have underneath the tiles?
  14. Thanks, im liking the tile idea. Would they keep in extra heat as well?
  15. To the people who keep or have kept beardies before can you post photos of your enclosures can i can get ideas on how to design/ decorate mine please? If you dont mind me stealing your ideas that is.
  16. How big is he? nice looking fish
  17. Im an industrial Electrican, but ive had enough of it now really. I still dont know what i want to do when i grow up
  18. Thanks for that. The new baby arrives on fri.
  19. i chose cichlid because of their character and that they are always so energetic. Plus mine seem to know me and follow as i walk past their tank. J does have some awesome looking fish its a shame that they are in auckland otherwise id have loads more tank and fish
  20. Thanks im going to try but going to be watching carefully. You have no idea how hard it is to get fire eels here so not planning on losing one if i can help it
  21. Its only 500 l would that be ok or should i not risk it and just put in another large tank?
  22. SparkyNat

    Fire eels

    Is it ok to have 2 fire eels together is the same tank? There will be plently of caves and hiding places but they are both going to be around the 20cm mark and have had another eel tank mate before
  23. I am looking at getting a beardy. But i want to make sure i have a perfect home for it before it arrives. So id thought id ask all the beardy owners on here. Im worried that dunedin is a bit cold for 1. What is the correct temperature to keep one at?, do you have a thermostat to keep it at a constant temp or just have it on all the time. Also what lighting is best? And what hours do you have it on for basking purposes? Thanks Natalie
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