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Everything posted by SparkyNat

  1. thats alright though anytime after 11am can be considered drinking time
  2. happy new year whos drinking already
  3. Found it cheaper to get complete tanks here. To get glass cut and sides smoothed for a 1m x 700mm x 500mm tank was bout $480 and that was from glaziers. i agree with the others second hand shops normally have glass or off cuts are cheaper
  4. will take some more pics later on today since they are having a bath soon! They are only 3weeks so not going anywhere so just thought its better trying to decide where to advertise now rather than later. There mother isnt feeding them anymore so 10 puppies to feed by hand
  5. huntaway border collie cross.
  6. I have got 10 puppies to find homes 4 . does anyone no what would be the easiest way to sell them
  7. Yeah getting another tank isnt bad but driving to chch to get it is! The selection of fish in dunedin isnt that great and they seem alot more $ than they do else where
  8. The bad bit is i just got another one a bit smaller thou only bout 4 foot
  9. Yeah we do its bout 600 litres
  10. Hey all Im natalie im currently living in dunedin. Have starting setting up tanks got 2 so far but more would be good got 1 tank with a fire eel, 4 oscars a large moonlight gourami, 2 large golden bristlenose, 1 pleco, and a cichlid that i am unsure of. the other tank is just guppies who the oscars like lots.
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