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Everything posted by SparkyNat

  1. Was going to put them in a tank on there own for now till they were a bit bigger.
  2. Went to go get them today but they didnt have them again been waiting for 2 weeks now. They got confused and didnt order them :evil:
  3. And i have to go back tomorrow to pick up some other fish, so they are going to sort out which ones i was meant to get so i want to make sure they dont just give me random cichlids
  4. Does any1 have a picture of young giraffe haps i tryed to google but they only have large fully coloured adults. I got the pet shop down here to get them in for me but went to pick them up and the tryed to tell me they were the little barbs they had. :-? Im dumb sometimes but not that stupid
  5. Thought id show you a pic of the ugly ones
  6. Trust me i know that their bites hurt, they manage to draw blood most times. Im amazed at how well they are looking after the eggs i thought they would have been eaten by now
  7. I would love to have fish like that myself but being in dunedin seems to limit choices, we have a 5 bdrm house for 2 people so plently of room for big tanks :lol:
  8. I think candys partner is going to get it back before any of you sort tanks out
  9. my partner was cleaning out there tank so i thought id take some photos there was about 40 odd fry in there so hopefully they look similar to their parents. I only got them to feed to oscars but decided they were nice fish to have in a planted tank so they have managed to stay .
  10. Ive seen lots of photos of people guppys latetly so i thought id show some of mine. They are definently not as good as others but still look pretty
  11. Yeah a few days ago they were the most docile fish ive seen now they are psychos and the other fish are sitting in the 2 corners and the oscars have the middle to themselves. The other fish dont even want to get close to them.
  12. I have no idea how he managed to do that i miss most things on here during the week, damn work
  13. What has happened to oscarboy? Hes normally on everyday and answers my oscar questions well tries 2
  14. My oscars have just started laying on a large flat rock, do i leave them in there or do i take them out sice they are in a tank with smaller oscars ive already rehomed the syno since he was getting a rather rough time by the 2 oscars when he got 2 close. And also how do i tell if they are both females, one is laying, but can i tell from there bits, long egg tubey thing female and the other just has a short white lump?
  15. you forgot geoffrey fmxmatt. it used to be my fav when i was little 2. What was the one that had sooty and sweep (spelling :oops: )
  16. Just uploading photos now so will be up in a few minutes
  17. I purchased a prime silver peacock yesterday ( what it was sold to me as) ive googled it but doesnt come up does anyone have a picture or could tell me its proper name plz.
  18. Yeah you can even get whistling tree frogs down in dunedin 2
  19. I have 2 fully grown red tiger oscars about 30ish cm each. They keep digging holes and preparing/clearing flat spots. How old is too old for them to lay eggs etc? I was told when i brought them that they had layed eggs before
  20. you should be able to get pet planet to order you some in, they are on this weeks fish list
  21. You need to get some bigger tanks then did it kill your other fish?
  22. Far enough. i think they are evil when younger/ teenage years then once they get over that they turn into nanas and mellow out alot
  23. So what you do with your big oscar? Thought id post on ths one cos prob not so good taking over someone elses thread
  24. Yeah my 2 big ones dig and the 4 little ones just follow them around, i could have any fish in with the 2 big ones nice tempered the other 4 no way they attack anything including fingers
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