went out and bought a tube of "Selleys Glass Silicone Sealant" and so now have all of it sealed up.
It says:
Do I have to wait that long because it's not an aquarium (as in it won't be holding any more than like 6 litres) or can I cut the waiting time back a bit.
Also, when can I start putting dirt and plants in. Do I need to wait at all or can it all just go straight in?
Is potting mix ok to have in there?
Went out for a walk in the bush this morning (had to get up a 7 ) with my best mate and so now have lots of small ferns and mosses and a little little treey thingy. Oh and a couple of branches for climbing on (not me silly :lol: )
Can't wait to start planting and filling up with water - and then I can add frogs .