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Everything posted by georgeous

  1. georgeous

    Blue Rams

    How do you know this?? Often males and females get a bit messed up
  2. Wow this thread has exploded since I posted . To get the siphon started you can either use a tradition method (i.e. suck or self-starter) or you screw whole thing into tap, put sucking end of hose in tank, make sure the bottom valve is open, and then turn the tap on. You don't need to have the tap going the whole time as it only sucks the water through - which you don't need when the siphon has started... Geddit?? well, here's some bad bad drawing that might explain it better... HTH p.s. Paint always seems to chop out words :evil: It says : "tap on (but only at first)","valve open" and "tap on","valve shut"
  3. I have seen one work i.e. I was actually there, they do work well, but you need a length of hose to the nearest tap / hose
  4. Depending on how skilled you are with a 'wood-working device' i.e. a jigsaw you could cut it in exactly in half, and then, where the plug/cork is (I'm only going off a picture I found online, just now) join the two halves with a piece of piping or something similar - a bit like the 'water bridge' DIY project that pops up every now and then. Just a suggestion though :oops: HTH
  5. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/posting-pics-in-the-forum-vt2406.html HTH
  6. georgeous

    RIP ck :(

    Well done snookie you have finally learnt to drink in moderation 6.25AM!! :lol:
  7. Well... only me, sam, and smidey were there!
  8. I don't get lighting very well either
  9. Meeting tonight can't wait :bounce: :bounce:
  10. mmmm recheck the spelling/site and try again - I did and it didn't work for me either
  11. georgeous


    Hi and welcome to the forum :bounce: :bounce:
  12. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?t=2406 HTH
  13. I thought it was one of the things John Key was planning on doing if he wins the election. i.e. There are none in New Zealand now.
  14. same here... but can't get any while still at school
  15. Still leaks :roll: and in different places - have siliconed up. :roll:
  16. ok ok I'll play ... Me in a kayak at Rawhiti (Bay of Islands) Good ol' NZ aye?
  17. Here's a pic I just took- Cheers, George
  18. How long did it take for 'your' swolen belly to go down Smidey?? Because mine hasn't gone down yet - will it go down or what?? Yeah I'm getting a bit stressed
  19. Awesome will have to try that (hopefully I won't have to, but better be prepared :roll: )
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