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Everything posted by georgeous

  1. Am now using an ice-block stick as opposed to the tube that comes with the silicone
  2. I have selleys glass sealant - It works fine for me (apart from leaking :roll: (my fault thou))
  3. Yea - has been leaking for the past few days, and so I have patched it up with alot of silicone. Hopefully when I try it out it won't leak. because I am sooooo hanging out to move it into my room and start planting and just generaly landscaping the place :bounce: :bounce:
  4. Hey, Swolen belly has gotten worse over the past 3 weeks. ok have just added angel to salted bucket - he wasn't happy :roll: I hope this works!! will keep you updated. Cheers, George
  5. oh oh whos the guest speaker - or can't you tell use?? I may be able to wrangle some chocolate brownies 8) (no promises tho)
  6. Yay you agreed Oh and welcome :bounce: :bounce:
  7. Probably, that mistake is made lots - just ask Scuba Sam how often I correct here :lol:
  8. georgeous

    my goldfish

    Oooorrrrrr... maybe its a redfish??
  9. right... Have now repatched with silicone, (ok, with lots of silicone) and can't wait till I can test it... will be doubly :evil: ed if it still leaks...
  10. I would have thought that they would be alright... Just my thoughts though
  11. :lol: sorry, couldn't resist :lol:
  12. Man that "Why People Believe Americans Are Stupid" thing was funny :lol:
  13. Thats a cool idea... now have to go ask mum.... NOT :lol:
  14. I think its more of a "what is on the allowed list" than a "what isn't on the not allowed list", If you get what I mean :lol:
  15. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: IT STILL LEAKS!!! Filled it up just now and watched the water spread out under the glass... :evil: So now I have to re silicone it, but at least I know where it is leaking from so wont have to silicone the whole thing Still pretty mad though... And at least I still have some silicone :roll: Will have a go at it again later when its dry
  16. Well, we alone are nearly (2994 :lol: ) strong, and thats not even counting all the other fish keepers in New Zealand, Surely that should be enough, if not the general public as well if needed
  17. I bought a spray bottle from Payless Plastics for like $3 for my frogs... It may not be a good option for some though...
  18. Right... Thanks for that... Maybe a mix of 1/3's?? Cheers, George
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