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Everything posted by georgeous

  1. Hey, Just got back from the LFS and now have fish food and... ...lady talked me into it, was that a smart move??
  2. Awesome, thanks for that. So what should I do to get daphnia-do I need to buy a colony or what?? Cheers, George
  3. Thanks, but how should I go about getting some?? Any of the ideas on here http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/axolotls-need-daphnia-bloodworms-live-vt28171.html apeal to you?? Also, I am going down to the LFS today, because I need more fish food, anything else I should look out for?? I was told bloodworms. Cheers, George
  4. :lol: ok we now need a drool emoticon...
  5. She probably will find out and then be even more upset... I know I would... Sad to hear of you loses BTW
  6. sorry, but this is in the 'general breeding' forum... if you want to talk to AMAZONIAN about buying/selling angels, please pm him, not discuss it on my thread that I set up wanting advice about my angels...
  7. Thanks, will have to just wait... but ATM my boy is a bit sick... swolen belly :roll: and the girl seems keen... Cheers, George
  8. Thanks for that, As for the eyes, not really popped but out further than my girls eyes... And, while we're on the subject, they are both looking after the bubbles on the heater, maybe as if they are eggs. Will this stop them spawning? Also the tnk is quite warm - 27 degrees. Cheers, George
  9. ok... update on the bulging tummy... you can clearly see the bulging tummy, can you not..? and the recently diagnosed popeye (maybe not, but anyway...) in comparison with my girl. Cheers, George
  10. http://www.reptiles.org.nz/images/Eco%20Fly%20TrapL.jpg this is the fly trap on http://www.reptiles.org.nz HTH :lol:
  11. georgeous

    Hi Im Melissa

    Hi and welcome to the forum :bounce: :bounce:
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum :bounce::bounce: Sounds like a fair few fish As for the photos, I would go to Photo bucket or similar... theres a thread somewhere on here...
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum :bounce: :bounce:
  14. uh... I'm pretty sure thats still in German... :lol:
  15. Hey and welcome back :lol: plz check the Whangarei Aquarium Club thread... and hope to see you there :lol:
  16. Ah... I kinda need a walkthrough :oops: Cheers George
  17. stuck up wee punk... :lol: thatll be the hormones talking :lol:
  18. georgeous

    Hidi Ho

    Hi and welcome to the forum :bounce: :bounce:
  19. So do you think I should salt him??
  20. So do you think I should salt him??
  21. Yeah no that's fine, second meeting will be the 21st of April (3rd Monday). Please say you can make it. :lol: Cheers George
  22. Hi and welcome to the forum :bounce: :bounce:
  23. thats ok lol everyone was a noob once :lol: they way i do it, is start up a Photobucket account http://photobucket.com/ and then load photos onto it. then left click the 'IMG code' field and then it will automatically copied. go back to FNZAS and then click the Img button, hit ctrl + v and push the Img button again. Make sure you have the "Disable BBCode in this post" unchecked and then hit the submit button. :lol: HTH George
  24. ok, just had a look now and it (the bloated one) is showing his/her tube :lol: problem is, the other's one isn't showing. Any idea why??
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